
Hi help my please my toshiba is not booting?

by Guest67068  |  earlier

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have toshiba satellite m35x just change the dc power jack a let the battery charge for 20 minutes then press the on bottom but only last 4 seconds and turn off why is no booting




  1. There is most likely something wrong with your hardware, or maybe the system just crashed. Does the screen turn on at all and if it does what does it say? If the screen turns on and trys to load up but then shuts down, try reinstalling the operating system the pc came with. If the screen doesnt come on at all, like I said before, there is probably something wrong with the hardware. It is hard to tell in a situation like that. You may have fried the motherboard, or it may be something a lot simpler than that, it is just hard to tell when I have nothing to look at =\. I'd recommend bringing it to a pc repair store so you know whats up.

    Hope This Help! =)

  2. lol............i assume you fried motherboard.........

  3. Without more info i cant help.

    Is it a problem with the power? Or does it just keep restarting

    Wont it hold a charge?

    It could be many issues i could help if you could give me as much info as you can about it.

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