
Hi i am 17 years old.Ive been living in the US for almost 13 years.How can i apply for my residence?

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The reason i ask, is because my family is over there. And i want to work so i can help them. I go to school. Ive gone to elementry, middle school and know im at high school.




  1. If you are not a lawful permanent resident or a U.S. citizen, you appear to be living illegally in the U.S. If you do not have an immediate relative who is a lawful permanent resident or a U.S. citizen who can petition for you, you do not stand a chance of becoming a legal permanent resident.

    If you are unlawfully living in the U.S., when you turn 18, you will begin to accrue unlawful presence.

  2. You are here in violation of the law, and if you do not leave before you turn 18, you become a deportable illegal alien and you will be barred from re-entry.  If you return to your own country before you turn 18, and you stay there, in a few years you can apply for immigration, if you qualify, and your parents' illegal actions will not be held against you.  You will not be barred from applying.

    At age 18, you become an adult in the eyes of the law, so if you remain, it is your choice as an adult to continue breaking the law.  Therefore, it is your crime and you are deported and barred from re-entry.  If you violate any additional laws, such as working (which you are forbidden to do), use phony or stolen ID/SSN to get a job (identity theft/fraud), etc., you end up with multiple felonies and are permanently barred from re-entry as a criminal alien.

    Your parents did a horrible thing to you.  They have put you in a horrible position and come close to destroying your future before you have had a chance to create it.  You now have to choose whether you want to obey the law and do things right, or continue your parents' pattern of criminal behavior and spend a lot of time in jail.  The best thing you can do to create a decent future for yourself and for your self-respect is to go home immediately.

  3. The person that applied for you to come over in the first place can apply, you cannot because you're a minor for one.

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