
Hi i am 19years old and i m********e a lot sometime 2-4 time in a day my f******n is attached to my p***s ?

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So i need your suggestion is it normal that foresking sholuld remain with p***s.I have seen some people whose foresking is removed from the head and the way i m********e is quite different acc to me i dont move my p***s up and down i just rubbed my p***s and i havent intercoused yet.

I really need your help kindly help me.

Thanxx in advance




  1. If I were you ,I would go see my Dr and talk about it:it might cause problems when it comes to real s*x.


    Do not be embarrassed:Dr's see this daily.  

  2. everyone's f******n is inside the p***s outside wud look weird  are u a jew ???

  3. don't m********e :D

  4. take a girl and have s*`s better :)

  5. Dude your skin should move freely up and down your shaft to expose the head of your unit i would try and work on it while your in the shower a lttle each time until it detaches do not force it just work it little each day it should eventually detach and pull back and forth easily


  6. i'm assuming your parents didn't get you circumcised when you were born. if the f******n is bothering you, you can always get it removed now, but i hear it is very painful, which is why it is generally done in infancy.

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