
Hi........ i am 32 yrs old how can i have a male baby ?

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Hi........ i am 32 yrs old how can i have a male baby ?




  1. ask your man to only put male sperms in you!lol

  2. hi,

    females have both  boy and girl in there egg

    and males got only female generating sperm

    there is a calculation table in which if you can have s*x during that day ,you will have a boy child

    now for your age and the number of days after your menstrual cycle if have s*x the particular day there are high chances of male child though not proven scientifically ,in India lot of families believe it ,luckily i have those tabulation in Kannada language i need to translate to English

    if u believe in Hindu drama then i shall give u the calculation table if you are interested  

  3. Well, old fashioned way is to get knocked up and have a 50/50 chance.  There are also scientific techniques, such as sperm spinning (that's what I call it).  They spin all the sperm and the males are usually heavier, then they take the sperm from the outside part of the dish and implant you with it for a higher possibility of a boy.  OR you could adopt a boy.  

  4. They say that if you want a boy you should have s*x on the day you ovulate since male sperm are faster but more fragile than female. Of course, there are still chances you will get a girl. There's is no way to guarantee a specific s*x unless you do gender selection which is extremely expensive.  

  5. You mean, how can you guarantee that the baby you give birth to will be male?  Beyond determining the s*x as early as possible and aborting any female fetus, there is no way to definitely have a boy.  If you really will only accept a boy -- adopt.


  7. you can't choose unless you go to the doctor and have the eggs extracted and then have them do gender selection. They then fertilize those eggs with the male sperm and implant it into you.  

  8. I would get Dr Shettles book, How to Choose the s*x of Your Baby.  This is the only method that has any merit as far as I have read.  Even the book, Taking Charge of Your Fertility recommends it.  Basically, it will just tip the scales in either direction if done properly and is not guaranteed.  What you want to do it start charting temps and CM and try on the day you are ovulating. 80% or so chance of a boy.

    Aren't you already pregnant?  Are you asking for your next baby?

  9. Girls are more likely to get pregnant with a boy if on the bottom. Make sure "it" goes in far enough, if you pop your cherry your most likely pregnant. Or you could sit up with your legs so far apart he could just sit there pushing it in and out. When you get alot of orgasms, keep pushing harder. good luck.

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