
Hi. i am a long distance runner with a recent ankle injury. i usually run 18 km a day and need a alternative?

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Hi. i am a long distance runner with a recent ankle injury. i usually run 18 km a day and need a alternative?




  1. Can you bike or swim with your injury because those would be good alternatives.

    The formula my coach gives me is:

    5 miles road biked = 1 mile ran

    3 miles mountained biked= 1 mile ran

    1 mile swam= 3 miles swum.

  2. Try excersing in the pool, stationary bike, elyptical, and other low impact activities.

  3. How about floor exercises with those rubber band type things.  You can do a lot with those, you know.  Hope you get to feeling better soon.  I've twisted my right ankle 3 times and was told the 2nd that it would've been better had I broke it, then they could've set it to mend stronger.  Oh, well, live and learn!

  4. 18KM/day? your my hero....

    Take rest days, ice your ankle 10-15minutes 3X after each time you exercise and take advil to take the inflamation down.  Pool running is a good alternative, cycling, swimming.  If you mix up different types of excercising, this does help being injury free.  If you still can run, avoid really hilly runs.  Strengthen your ankles by doing exercises as listed in the link below:

    Cross training is the key, that way you can still maintain your cardio/endurance.

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