
Hi i am hispanic i dont know that much spanish plz help?

by Guest56123  |  earlier

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im going to my hometown soon plz help




  1. go to there is a free translator there. you can type in any english word, words, or even an essay and it will convert it into spanish for you. you can even do spanish to english.

    Good luck!

  2. - Comu Usta usted! = Hello?

  3. If you cant peak spanish you are not hispanic. I cant believe your parents didnt make an effort to teach you but i guess is great that youre going back t o your roots. Thats a great way to learn, Just dont go by yourself cause poeple might take advantage of you.

  4. Try or or even and search the word Spanish I'm sure you will find some audio or video tutors on their that you can download that's how i learned Chinese.

  5. ur parents speak spanish? ellos pueden ayudarte! si no, pues, que se puede hacer? habla en ingles

  6. Mi casa, su casa! Adios?!

  7. There is really nothing you can do at this point.

    If you going back to your hometown (which means you were born there) and its in Latin America, everyone is going to think that you think, you are too good.

    Try hanging out with your Older relatives, and try to speak spanish the most you can.  If you show up with dictionary, they will make fun of you.

    how about finding out if there are any English places you can hang out there.

  8. u can learn spanish online u know... google it

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