
Hi .. i am planning to invest in share market? i'm quite new in this market..?

by  |  earlier

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pls give some tips how to be a succesful investor? how much time i should give in a week? ..................




  1. I would recommend you to learn more on shares about company before investing.

  2. The first step would be to read a few books on investment analysis and portfolio management. For a relevent selection we would suggest that you do a search at

    The next step would be to develop your own investment management system with all the checks and balances. Thereafter you would be required to test your system through paper trades or by using a stock market simulator.It is only after you have fine turned your investment management system to give you reasonably profitable result; that you may consider applying the same in real time through the stock exchange of your choice.

    Happy investing,


  3. Be careful,

    Get ideas from the experts,

    And watch the Share Market regularly.


  5. U have to be gr8 analyzer for becoming a successful investor as share market is all about analysis of a companies track record of previous 2 years minimum...

    more information about investing tips and tricks are available on


  6. Depends what you got in your week, But spend most of your time learning how to invest dont go straight to it or you'll lose lots of profit. I reccomend you learn while your doing it. Learn from your mistakes, even if you lost alot.

  7. Like any thing else it is important to know as much as you can about any business venture or investment. Your  library will most likely have many books on the topic. Importantly, what is it that you want from the stock market? You need to first define what you want to achieve before you buy anything. You need to learn more about the fundamentals to pick out a company. Are you looking to buy shares in a company that you hope will go up in value to sell when they do so? Are you looking for shares in a company that will pay a good dividend? Are you looking to hold the shares in the long, medium or short term? You need to have a plan and then follow that plan. Investing in shares on the stockmarket is a risky business.

    Just have a look at what has happened in the past twelve months. You should never invest any money in the stock market that you cannot afford to lose. Right now there are a great number of companies whose shares have been oversold. Hence this creates a buying opportunity for the astute investor. This is a serious business and not for the faint hearted. If you bought $100,000.00 worth of shares six months ago and during that time the value of your portfolio kept dropping until today it was worth only $50,000.00, would you have been able to sleep at night, or would you have been worrying yourself into an early grave? Would you have panicked long ago and sold at a loss earlier? This is why you need to have a plan. Buy shares in companies which fit into that plan and hold your shares for the duration or purpose set by your plan. Do not let the market fluctuations worry you too much. If you have researched the company thoroughly and it measures up to your expectations then why let the market change your mind? When investors are in panic and are selling down the price of shares that creates a buying opportunity in those shares. Never never buy shares because somebody told you they believe that you will make a "mint' on them. Do your own research and then only buy if it looks OK to you based upon your knowledge. Any fool can make money on the stock market when it is rising. All you do is buy today and sell tomorrow at a profit. Very few investors are able to profit from a falling market. When the price of gold went up to over $800.00 per ounce in the 1980's and the average mum and dad investors were drawn into the market they came in when the price had already nearly reached its peak. Soon after the price dropped below $400.00 an ounce. Many then sold out at a huge loss. It has taken over twenty years for the price of gold to go above $800.00 an ounce. The smart investors sold gold at $800.00 and later bought back at $400.00. Where do you see yourself as an investor in the stock market?

  8. hi,

    share market is very sensetive.there will affect all negative and positive sentiments like Govt, politics, inflation, oil, mansoon, taxes, local and international news, currency appriaciation etc,

    my you go throuh dummy buisness. you start on paper. buy,sell and hold on paper.and observe your stock performance after getting confidance you can start on field

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