
Hi i got an fish with fin rot and white spot on its eye please help?

by  |  earlier

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so i bought the medication but its to confusing to use can some1 please shorten the insructions. i have MYXAZIN for the fin rot and ulcers. and STRESS ZYME TO ADD BACTERIA TO THE TANK BECASE I CLEARED IT ALL OUT AND PUT NEW WATER IN THE TANK PLEASE could some1 tell me how to use it




  1. You should probably take out the carbon from the filter and use 3 capfull of the solution every 10 gallons . It will take days for them to clear their symptoms.

  2. not all filter used carbon however you can remove it if you have one you can always use rocksalt plus mythelene blue with good aeration and don't feed for 2 to 3 days.

  3. yes, I can help!

    First, take out your carbon filter.

    Next, add dosage that the instructions read for your tank,

    example-If it says add one teaspoon for 10 gallons and you have a 30 gallon tank, you would need to add 3 teaspoons.

    Now leave the filter running with no filter, it's fine.

    Now you wait. Usually it's 24 hours sometimes it's 48 hours.

    whichever the directions say.

    Now you will need to do a 50% water change.

    treat the new water with conditioner before adding to your tank.

    Now. If this is a one time treatment you can add back the filter and add your stress zyme to the water, as directed.

    stress zyme doesnt add bacteria to the tank, it stimulates the slime coat keeping the fish safer from all the flucuations.

    If this is NOT a one time treatment, you should go ahead with the next step, if it's retreat then you retreat and since you havent put back in your carbon.. unless you were finished it should still be out, sitting preferably in some old tank water to keep the bacteria alive.

    You can add the stress zyme when you refill your tank, every time, use as directed.

    I hope this helps you!

  4. Wow! Kierstie has given you the answer better than i could have. Follow her instructions.

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