
Hi i have a cat that has 2 month old kittens and she got outside one day and now she growls at her kittens?

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  1. Cats after they have raised their kittens don't want them to hang around with her any longer she is done whit he teaching them the basics and she needs to do her own thing as do they. Once she has fussed them aways enough they will eventually go on about their own ways and be able to habituate with each other. Cats are independent and like it that way so they can catch their prey without interference - these kittens will find their own way of life soon. no need to worry.

  2. the reason the cat is growling at the kittens is because they are trying to get milk from her and she is telling them to stop if it doest stop in 2-3 weeks take her to the vet

  3. maybe she is pregnant again and wants to chase away her 'old' kittens.  

  4. This is not typical behavior in feline mothers, but it does happen, especially if they are still trying to nurse--Cat moms are not all that patient about moochers.  If she isn't savaging them, I wouldn't worry about it too much, they will find their own accommodation.  But, as someone else has already said, if she's reached this stage, it's time to look for homes for the young ones, unless you mean to keep them.

    There are a few tidbits of teaching she might add to their resume, but  for the most part, from this time on, she will interact with them as if they were mostly adult.

  5. get your cat spayed

  6. it might have been a go away right now growl but the kittens should be found homes if you dont plan on keeping them

  7. It could be that the kittens are ready for cat food and no longer needs mothers milk. The mom is just letting them know that. Besides their teeth are pretty sharp,  so they might be hurting the momma.

  8. My cat did that when it became pregnant again. Its trying to get rid of the older kittens so it can look after the new ones. You should take it to a vet to get it neutered.

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