
Hi i have a child that is being told she has chicken pox for the third time.Few dots this morning now covered?

by  |  earlier

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They say it takes 16 to 20 days to show after infection. However she was in a confined area for over a month and half noone else showed anything.




  1. Were the other times only a few dots? If so, now that she is covered with the spots, she will probably won't get it again. When she is close to sixty years old, she may get shingles. There is a vaccine for that. Anyway, she got the pox from somewhere and it could have been anywhere. Not just a confined area.

  2. take her to the clinic and get the child checked.

  3. i thought u can only get the chicken pox once

  4. Lots of people think that you get chicken pox once and then you can never get it again. NOT TRUE!! You can get chicken pox repeatedly if your body for some reason doesn't build up the antibodies for it. After this bout of chicken pox, get her an immunization. That is the only you can do to prevent another bout.  

  5. Thats odd. Take her to her pediatrician ASAP.

    Has she been vacinated?

    Maybe its not CP - get a doctor to check her out

  6. This site has some info....and says you only get it once.

  7. Who is telling you the child has chicken pox?  And why didn't you get her vaccinated against it as an infant?

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