
Hi i have an oscar fish and i think it has foggy eye and some sort of white stuff on its fins and body?

by  |  earlier

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its eyes are getting covered in some white slime and its body is getting some sort of white stuff i dont know what it is so please can you help me to discover what it might be and how can it be cured if theres any remedy to thiz?




  1. Cloudy eyes are usually a sign of an internal infection.  Medicated foods.  However the white stuff can be the begining of ich.  What does it look like?  A white blanket/fungus or like grains of salt?

    since we cannot see your fish perhaps this site can help you help your fish:

  2. my fish had this happen. i have a trigger saltwater fish this happened to and i dipped him in fresh water for one minute and it went away. you can use melifix to help treat it . for fresh you can add salt to your fresh and it is like dipping it in the tank. this will help.

  3. It will be a fungal or bacterial infection, usually caused by poor water qaulity.

    Get some water tests done asap, meanwhile do some large partial water changes and pick up some anti-fungal / anti-bacterial medication.

    DONT treat for Ich, thats a totally different parasite. The wrong medication will just stress the sick fish even more, and probably kill it.

    So check and correct your water parameters and treat for fungus.

    Good luck


  4. i know about the white spots on him and stuff i have a tiger oscar also and i use quICK cure to cure the ick (the little white spots on his body and fins) on my oscar.

  5. sounds like ick .. Deadly if not treated pet store sell stuff to get rid of it  but you need to do it quick

  6. I very highly doubt that this is ick. Ick doesn't leave a "slime" across the fish, but covers the fish in white dots (hence why it's sometimes called "white spot disease"). I have seen this happen with large fish with filthy water conditions. Your best bet is to do a large water change (50%), then do another large change tomorrow and keep doing this until the condition clears up. Most times, medications aren't needed for this type of illness, but it it's really bad, you can use Nitrofurazone (antibiotic). If it isn't taken care of, it will kill the fish. Avoid using the "quick cure" and other medications, as this fish does not have ick (from what you've described) and dumping a bunch of random medications in the tank will only stress the fish out. To prevent this in the future, do 20% water changes once a week. Good luck.

    White Spot:

    Cloudy Eye:,%20O...

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