
Hi i have just got a mercury black max 175 and want to connect it to a marshan 18 does anyone think the engine

by  |  earlier

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is too big for the boat,, How do i connect the engine to the boat what do i need to get it all going





  1. #1, Like any other boat, car or truck, the power driving the vehicle is only as safe as the idiot driving the vehicle.

    #2, Is the boat rated for a motor that size. Sounds like a lot of power for an 18 foot boat.

    #3, Since you have to ask that question I assume you have very little experience so I would advise getting someone that works on boats for a living to do most of the installation. The placement of the engine on the transom is as important as anything else you can do.

  2. No mate. I had a 175 Black Max on a 16' (very) lightweight M.A.S.R.M. ski boat and experienced no problems. ( apart from upsetting my friend who had a 225 Johnson on his 19' by keeping up with him. ) As for fitting the engine. Take it to an outboard mechanic. Note ,I didn't say outboard dealer as they are usually a lot dearer than a mechanic with his own workshop. Ask around about mechanics in your area , as , like doctors , they aren't all equally competent or  honest.

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