
Hi i have just turned 17 and my p***s is 4.5 inches erect will it grow anymore ?

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My older brother always says his p***s is around 6.5 inches erect, so will mine grow to around my brothers size, i am already the same height as him - and he's 19. My brother has been saying that his p***s is 6.5 inches erect since he was around 16, so does that mean i am a late bloomer. Also i don't think i have got fully grown pubic hair, so does that mean my p***s still has more growing to do?




  1. Guest10739
    I'm an old guy. My p***s stopped growing at around 15. I got to about 4 1/2 inches. I never got any bigger. Daaave

  2. well, im told it grows till early 20's.

    you could be a late bloomer.

    but i hope it grows more cause that's small

  3. i wouldnt worry about it bud, its only a p***s they dont need to be huge or anything haha

  4. It may be that you have a little more growing to do, but you may have reached your maximum size.  I am 22 and also 4.5 inches erect and have been since i was 16/17.

    In a few years time when you start having s*x you will find you can please a woman with 4.5 inches easily.

  5. It will grow man.Im just 15 and im a little under 5 inches when hard so i say dont worry.

  6. the girl above me and kay-kay have serious issues. 15 years olds shouldn't be having s*x, anyway. choking, eh? very cool!

    anyway, back to the issue at hand.... you're in the average range, anything too big is painful

  7. The average size is 4 to 5.

    Your at the average length for your age.

    If you get past 5 consider yourself luckier than most.

    Oh and that girl above me is completely childish and has no clue about what she's talking about. if that kids got a 7 in p***s at the age of 15, by 20, he'll have to see a doctor because he'd probably damage his s*x partner.

  8. looks like you got the short end of the stick

  9. same here 4.5 inches long and im 19! aah i hope theres some technique of growing my d**k cuz i like it strong and powerful for the ladies

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