
Hi . i m having a life problem. my parents didnt have anything to give me ( a home or a job) so im alone in re

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rent . i live in mizery. i have a boss why is breaking my bolls everyday but i have to listen to him because i need the money . i have to live in a house 25 sqm . alone.

im thinking to make a sacryfise .

1) be a striper. a) colect the money and bye a house so i dont pay rent and have a unpleasend job like working in a supermarket or be a house cleaner so again in misery .

b) colect the money and make my oun work or company but i dont know if it will go well . so if if i lose will have nothing .

c) be a striper and study in university . i dont know what profesin to chose .

2 ) work in a normal job and stydy . i dont think its posible .

3) get marryed and dipending on my husbent in which i dont know if he is going to dumb me. mysery again .

if you have any idea ?




  1. Education is your best way out. To be honest, by the look of your letter, you definitely need it!

    If you strip to pay for it, so be it! I'm not sure where you live, but frankly there are a LOT of college students in the U.S. who do it in school and make a good deal of money.

    If you live your life bemoaning what you don't have, then you never WILL have.

  2. Some of the most complex questions are answered in the simplest way.

    What do you enjoy doing. That's goal.

    What does is take to do it. That's the task.

    Everything else is extra. If you can feed yourself for a day you are ahead on around 20% of the world's population.

    So I say you have a great starting point.

    Just relax and think simply.

    You'll figure it out.

  3. When you have a phone, call the counselors at

    1-800-525-LOVE 24-7 and

    1-800-232-6459 M-F business hours, ask for Counseling dept., and tell your story, your goals, your problems.  Let them help.

    You have some good ideas and motivation.  What could empower you and help you make wise choices are those counselors, and the resources they might suggest.

  4. Yeah... Life sucks. My advice to you is to try and connect to your spirit. There is a book out there called "The Secret". You may not be able to buy it, but look it up online. And on You Tube....

    We all have the ability to live the best lives we deem possible. What do you deem possible? What is your best life? Figure it out and go for it.

    What do you have to lose? It's better to try than to regret never giving it a shot.

  5. Welcome to adulthood pilgrim. What ever you choose in your life remember you will have to live with that choice. Education is about the best way to strive because it does offer alternatives to a mind seeking such as your self. The stripper thing seems to pre dominate your mind that's just a means not a result. If you can avoid it please do you are somebody. Marriage at this time of total confusion is not an option because you already said he will dump you and you may be right so make yourself undumpable and prepare to be thy royal self in this world in this short life that is fleeting. Bosses are like that because they have some one over them that rides them so they ride you. Some Bosses are exploitive of the position power. When you understand that and you are a thinking being with a mind and a spirit you will get leverage and use that leverage to your advantage. You may be one that cannot see yourself working for yourself but you can do anything you put your mind to do. Welcome to Adulthood pilgrm. We come through our parents not from them. Love owes no one it is sufficient unto itself. Life lessons are taught through love it's unconditional... love is... when it comes to mother or father. Every one does not have the same values examine self and qualify self daily in self improvement. Through our parents we began to live beloved the act of suicide is not an option we must learn to persevere and develope patience. Dear soul just breathe in knowledge pray for wisdom meditate to realize understanding. peace and love abuhusayn02

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