
Hi i need some help installing a vimrc file?

by  |  earlier

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I have this code and i want to use it as my default settings when i open up vim, the thing is though i dont know what to do with it... i have this code

" Turn off useless toolbar

set guioptions-=T

" Turn off menu bar (toggle with CTRL+F11)

set guioptions-=m

" Turn off right-hand scroll-bar (toggle with CTRL+F7)

set guioptions-=r

" CTRL+F11 to toggle the menu bar

nmap <C-F11> :if &guioptions=~'m' \| set guioptions-=m \| else \| set guioptions+=m \| endif<cr>

" CTRL+F7 to toggle the right-hand scroll bar

nmap <C-F7> :if &guioptions=~'r' \| set guioptions-=r \| else \| set guioptions+=r \| endif<cr>

Now i have been told to save it as a .vimrc file which i have in my admin folder...

what next...? please can someone walk me through this




  1. If you have written it, do what it says, save it as .vimrc in your home folder.

  2. You might want to check this site, somehow related to vimrc

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