
Hi i need some help with bass guitar and electric guitar i need to know which is better?

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hi i am 11 and i need to know what to get any suggestions




  1. Neither is necessarily better, and neither is necessarily harder or easier than the other (contrary to popular misconception, bass isn't easier just because it "has less strings"...bass is about as easy or hard as you make it - there's plenty of root-note-playing punk bassists, and then there's guys like John Myung of Dream Theater and John Entwhistle of The Who who play complex, intricate bass lines - just like there are guitar legends like Steve Vai and Slash, but also guitarists who do nothing but power chords).

    In the end, it's up to you. A lot more people choose guitar over bass, because it's more "flashy" - but a band without a bass player sounds really really poor (There are bands with no guitars, but far less bands with no bass-player). Also, if you play bass, it'll be a lot easier to find a band to play in, since there are tons of bands looking for a bassist, since everyone else chose to learn guitar =P ...good guitarists are almost a dime a dozen; really good, solid bass players aren't as easy to find.

    As a guitarist, you have a more front-and-center position; your role in the band is far more apparent to the average listener.

    As a bassist, you and the drummer control the music. The bass is more of a background instrument (usually; there are times when this isn't the case), anchoring the bands' rhythm and sound.

    They're both important parts - try both, see which one you enjoy more =)

  2. dude electric it is seriously much better u can do a LOT more stuff on it  

  3. What a silly question, neither are "better". The guitar is mostly used for melody, and the Guitarist usually plays the main "tune" of the song. Guitarists also usually have solos in most rock songs.

    The bass is used more for rhythm, and it takes a particular mindset to play the bass (you've got to figure that one out on your own).

    The bass has four fat strings. The guitar has six thin ones. The bass sounds much lower and deeper, whereas the guitar sounds twangier and higher-pitched.

    Whatever you feel is right for you, that's what you're looking for.

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