
Hi i offer 1000 multi colour visiting card for just Rs.450.How to sell to all companies in chennai?

by  |  earlier

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hello all ! I offer 1000 multi colour visiting card for just Rs.450. I dont know how to market this product to all companies in chennai.I know that this a product for everyone,every shops,every companies in chennai.please help me find good marketing plan




  1. Mr. Aishwirri should be able to help you with a business plan.  He is a succesful owner/entrepreneur in chennai.  He has an advertisement in the local paper (that may be available online) under his name.  Best of luck.  Please tell him I sent you!

  2. Door Step selling will be easy and reliable media for your product.

  3. I suggest you take digital scans of your visiting cards and email it to the company employees.

    You'll need to make ur mail eye catching, so tat they dont spam it off..

    You'll have to contact people and get to know emails.

  4. Hi,

    My name is R.Rajeshkumar, I am about start a company in feb, I need visiting cards for my corp. can you send me the details of your cards to my personal mail id:

    At the same time, answering your question. You will have to contact the admin department of companies, they are the ones who deal with visiting cards and other stationeries to be used by employees.

    Again, you need some reference and luck initially. Since, you are starting new, go directly to various companies meet people in front office / administrators and try to explain your product. Show some samples to them. Gain their confidence.

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