
Hi i want a free yorkshire terrier and i was wondering if these people are scammers or not ...?

by  |  earlier

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  1. mhmm.

  2. scammers!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. anyone offering you a "free" yorkie is a scammer.  They dont have a yorkie at all, they just want free money.

    They claim to have a free yorkie, but all you have to pay is shipping.  Shipping for a dog costs alot of money, ussually more than what the scammers ask for!

    Yorkies are an expensive, highly desired purebred.  Think about it..  why would someone give away something for free, when they can easily find plenty of people willing to pay $500+ for one?

  4. Well of course! No dog is free. Ever. If you ever find someone giving their dog away, 90% of the time it's because the dog has some sort of health or behavior problem that they can't afford to treat or don't want to. Simple.

  5. Ummm...yep, they are definitely scammers.  Usually, they say they are in Cameroon or some far off place like that.  DO NOT buy into it.  If you truly want a yorkie, chances are, you're gonna have to pay a pretty penny for one.  You could check out yorkie rescues in your area and you might even find one at an animal shelter.  You might have to settle for a yorkie mix, but trust me, it will love you just the same as a purebred yorkie would.  Good luck with your search.

  6. Yeah....

  7. vivian f., I haven't had any problems with my yorkshire terrier.

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