
Hi.. i want to grow something but i don't have any seeds can i grow a plant or fruit/veg?

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thanks xx i heard you could grow a pototo some how ?




  1. yeah throw your pealings into the soil.

    also  a garlic clove will grow into a whole garlic

  2. Find a couple of potatoes that have sprouted and bury them 6 to 8 inches deep,When they start to show cover them again,Then leave till after they have flowered,Then dig them up.

  3. You can propagate potatoes from spuds that have eyes.  Cut the tator into small enough pieces, each one with a bud or two, then set them in soil...the buds will grow into stems that turn into plants...keep on adding soil to the growing stem as the potatoes will develope upward and outward in the soil.  

    Potatoes are easy to grow.  Keep the top mulched.

  4. You can always grow weeds!

    Aside from that, if you buy any kind of fresh fruit or vegetables, they will often have viable seeds in them. Fresh apples, oranges, pears and pumpkins/squash have fairly large seeds that are relatively easy to get out and plant. You can also plant the pits of such plants as peaches, plums, cherries, apricots and avocados. Depending on what kind you buy, you may even be able to plant and grow onions, garlic and potatoes bought from a store (potatoes are most likely to work if you can find one that already has sprouts). Grapes and watermelons may also be possible, but are probably harder to grow properly. Keep in mind that out of the plants mentioned above, many of them are trees and therefore would have to grow quite large (and for quite a long time) before producing any fruit of their own. If you want something smaller, then the potatoes, grapes, squash and avocados are probably your best bet. Note however that potatoes at least grow poisonous plants (only the roots are edible and then only when cooked), and squash and avocado plants may also be poisonous, so if you're growing the plant around young children it may be a better idea to go with grapes, as their leaves are not dangerous to humans (however, the grapes themselves ARE dangerous to dogs).

    If that doesn't satisfy you, then of course there's always the option of just plain buying seeds from a store or getting some from someone else who has plants of the appropriate type. Sometimes you don't even need seeds, as plants like ivy can be grown fairly easily just from a cutting. In any case, remember to put each plant in a container large enough for it. Ideally a plant wants to grow outside in natural soil, but if you want to grow it indoors then you need a pot big enough to contain enough nutrients (sometimes this involves transplanting a plant to a larger pot once it grows too large for its current pot).

  5. You just plant the potato in the soil and it'll grow. Expose it to light for a few days so it will sprout. If it's small bury it whole. Water it every day and use a special plant food for fruit and veg. The plant that comes from the potato will eventually get white flowers, wait a couple of weeks before you dig anything up. The potatoes will be small baby ones (and really tasty) if you leave them longer they'll get bigger. You can plant potatoes and carrots and things in big planters if you don't have a garden.

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