
Hi i was born,raised in UK till was 11,was wonderin is it possible 4 me to go 2 university der & pay home fees

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Hi i was born,raised in UK till was 11,was wonderin is it possible 4 me to go 2 university der & pay home fees




  1. Why not? If you were born in the UK, you are a British citizen.

  2. Do you have a U.K. birth certificate or a U.K. passport - if so then you are British and do qualify for U.K. resident tuition.

  3. Check with the University that you want to go to if they have a residency requirement that needs to be fulfiled to qualify as a home student.

    You are only eligible for student loans in the UK if you fulfil the residency requirement - you must have lived in the UK for at least 3 years before the course starts.

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