
Hi i was just wondering what is your opinion of young mums?

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  1. depends what you mean by young i believe a child should grow up theemselves and enjoy life efore creating one but some young mums do a great job while others dump there kids to have the child hood they missed out on i was 19 nearly 20 when i had my much wanted and loved girl to a guy i thouhgt would stick around but when i told him he took off and has never seen her but i dont regreat it for a min im now 26 with a 4 month od and one on theway so each situation is different but having a child is a special gift there are so many people who cant get pregnant but some yong kids who just have them to get someone to love them this is worng and i feel sorry for the child

  2. I bet you every mom out there feels "too young" sometimes..

  3. If you're young, and have a kid, stop shopping in the junior's section, because you just look S****y. Time to get some loose jeans and shirts that have sleeves. But don't let your self go!

  4. Well I considered myself a young mom, I had my 17 yr old when I was 22. That is like the prime of your life for most kids these days! But I'm a mom in the south and around that time I was already married and my husband and I decided the time was right. Having kids around mid 20s and up is a very good age to have kids. 13-18 is very young to have kids. If the mothers thinkt they could handle every curve ball babies throw, then hey, let them go ahead and reproduce. I think the teens now-a-days should smarten up.

  5. young mums generally are caught in the 'trap'  that means their mum was young when they had their families and so are their aunties etc.  If a girl gets pregnant deliberatley then I have no respect because mostly they are supported by the government.  If a girl gets pregnant and has support from a loving family and partner then that is OK.  All circumstances are different and cannot be generalised

  6. age is just a number. If you feel you are ready for a kid go for it, sometimes, its better to admit to your mistake of getting pregnant, young moms should be praised if they take care of their child and many do it alone, many go to school and have their child. Give them support don't jump down their backs, they aren't you, you are not them, I feel that people are not used to having their own opinions. I think that most no not all young mothers are better than older mothers. They have more time with their children.

    Young moms are the better moms sometime.. they understand more..

    I'm not saying that all teenagers are good parents and that all older parents are.. everyone is different get used to it..

    Support people around you..

  7. i think it depends entirely on the person, i had a very good friend who fell pregnant at 14 almost 15, she was terrified at first but she kept him and is now an exceptional mother. she works, supports her children, and asked for help from no one as she wanted to prove she could do it her self. but then ive seen another friend who started having children at 16 and still drinks, goes out to parties and doesn't provide her children with what they need. i also think that there isn't nearly enough support out there for young mums. i fell pregnant with a planned baby when i was 18 and was told by lots of close minded people i was doing the wrong thing. well we turned out o.k so i think if your ready, have support and are willing to sacrafice an awful lot for your child, then more power to you.

  8. Depending on the age meant by "young," if you're speaking really young, like still in primary or high school young, I feel that all people make all sorts of mistakes, and sometimes these mistakes are in relation to the body. Unexpected pregnancies do happen, especially when people get caught up - very literally - in the heat of the moment, and let themselves go.

    In the case of 20s or so mums, same as with the very young mums, I feel that children are beautiful gifts; LIFE is beautiful, and even if it is inconvenient to the mother at the time, it is now that girl's/woman's role to be a mum.

    Hope this helps! ;-)

  9. There is young and there is young.

    I think under 18 is too young, that is babies having babies. The parents need to be grown up before having babies.

    Some of my mates started having babies at 21-22 and they love it.

    They tell me I am getting old now now that im 27.

    It is upto the person. I am not ready for kids, but they were.  

  10. well you know everyone makes mistakes. but if your having s*x yong that's your choice. i support yong moms as long as the baby is going to be taken care of. that's another life. i had s*x at 13 years old and ive only slept with one guy and I'm still with him. and i thought i was pregnant at 14 i was so scared but i new if i was i could take good care of the baby. turned out i wasn't which is good. but there are alot of S***y *** people out there that judge and insult teen moms and its messed up. so i support you.

  11. I don't have one. I only have opinions about particular people not as a generalised population.

    But I do believe that the only difference between a 17 year old with a baby and a 17 year old without a baby is protection and sometimes bad luck.

    Young mums are no different in personality than young people - they just have a baby.

  12. It depends on the person but if you aren't established in your life it will be more of a struggle than usual.

    I didn't have a child until I was 26. He was planned and our lives were established but nothing is perfect and he's been a big change in our relationship. We were 100% ready and it's still been rough. Children change everything in a relationship and in life in general. They are never what you would expect so you have to modify a lot of your beliefs and that's not easy.

    I think having a child young forces you to grow up quick and miss out on a lot of things you could have experienced if you would have waited. Some women just motor on when they have a child young and it works but that doesn't happen very often. Being a parent is honestly the hardest job known to man because it's 24/7 and never coincides with the rest of the world around you.

    I don't shun any woman who does it but I think it would be better to wait.

  13. I'm not going to lie to you, I'm quite prejudiced. I can't imagine that anyone under the age of 20 WANTED a child, so I just assume it was an accident and make, probably unfair, judgements accordingly

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