
Hi i was really hoping that some one from my daughters nursery was on line for this message thanks sonia.?

by  |  earlier

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re: taking my daughter to nursery in lacey green.




  1. Hi Sonia,

    Like i said before,be very careful what details you give out on here,especially about your daughter or address or anything like don't know who's on here and god forbid,well you never know.

  2. She must have some little friends at the Nursery - if you can take her tomorrow you can talk to the Staff there and perhaps arrange with one of the Mums then.

    You may have to take half an hour off work but you do need to do this personally.

    Other possibility - speak to social services - is there an approved Foster Mum who could do it till your car is back on the road?

  3. No lovey, not a chance in h**l would there be anyone but crazy people. Dont even think about it she is too important. Go and ask at the school or get a neighbour to help you.

    Good luck and be safe

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