
Hi iam 5.1 hight and 56 kgs weight i want 2 reduce my weight but without exercise tell me a simple diet? plz?

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Hi iam 5.1 hight and 56 kgs weight i want 2 reduce my weight but without exercise tell me a simple diet? plz?




  1. try to get ..

    cancer.. or diabetise ..or heart problem.. or lung infection..

    mayb u can try.. get alot n alot of pimples.. u sure cnt sleep well

  2. Well, exercise IS the best way to go. And to cut back on how much you eat, if you're eating  a bit too much, and to cut back on junk food. And I guess eating foods with less calories, and more fruits and that kind of stuff. But exercise is the best way.

  3. without exersize.. the best way i would say is stop eating junk andd you have to force yourself to stop eating too much!!

  4. watch ur diet.

    stick to abt 2100 calories.

    but to really lose weight effectively,u HAVE to excerise.

    try signin up for dane classes they are much fun.

    or ask a fren to acc u to exercise.

    stick to ur mindset and dun give up half-way.

    gd luck!

  5. In Feb. I quit drinking Pepsi and lost 16lbs. I also quit eating Little Debies. Try that it don't work fast but will notice a diff.

  6. Cut out all your fat and carb intake. Eat only protein and lotsa water.

  7. It's alll about calories in versus calories exerted. So if you don't want to exercise, reduce the number of calories you consume. Get your calories from nutritious foods with high fiber instead of simple carbs such as sugars and starches. Keep your blood sugar level.

  8. One tablespoon of cider vineger daily. you will notice some side effects but lose heaps of weight also.

  9. Excercise is really the best way but drink lots of water and eat a lot of salads. You should notice a difference.

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