
Hi if any one have any idea about The drug Guaifenesin / guaiphenesin, where its available, cost & manufactuer

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give some brand names and manufactures and how can we import it to India hi if any one of u have any idea about The drug Guaifenesin / guaiphenesin, where its available and price let me know, I m doing my M.V.Sc research on this drug. its a muscle relaxant and i m using it in combination with Xylazine & Ketamine in equines for TOTAL INTRAVENOUS ANAESTHESIA. so please help me.




  1. guaifenesin is not a muscle relaxant. It's an expectorant used to help loosen thick mucus in the respiratory tract.

    it's available in any drug store as a cough medicine.

    Common brand names are Mucinex, Robitussin, and Diabetic Tussin.

  2. YA u are correct  In veterinary medicine, guaifenesin is used to induce muscle relaxation and restraint as an adjunct to anesthesia for short procedures (30-60 minutes) in large and small animal species.

    In human medicine, guaifenesin has long been used as an oral expectorant but not that useful.

    guaifenesin acts centrally by depressing or blocking nerve impulse transmission at the internuncial neuron level of the subcortical areas of the brain, brainstem and spinal cord. It relaxes both the laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles, Guaifenesin also has mild intrinsic analgesic and sedative qualities and  potentiates the activity of preanesthetic and anesthetic agents. list of manufacturers is given in below link don't know abt price

  3. In pharma, Guaiphensin is frequently used as expectorant(which loosens the cough) in almost of the cough syrups. So U can pick up any expectorant from the market with guaiphensin as one of the active ingredient and from there u cn know the manufacturer's info.

    so brands with guaiphensin are -

    Asthalin expectorant, Benylin -E, Bro-zedex

    I hope it helps

  4. Good stuff - it's usually called Robitussin, with or without DM (dextromethorphan).

    Guaifenesin is sold as pills or syrups under several brand names, including: Guai-Aid, GuaiLife, Ethex 208, Humibid, Mucinex, and Robitussin. It is also included in many other over-the-counter cough and cold remedy combinations (usually in conjunction with dextromethorphan and/or pseudoephedrine and/or acetaminophen).

    When you get that recipe done, send it to me. Total IV anaesthesia sounds like fun.

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