
Hi if my friend pays for the penalty would she still be sent to jail?

by  |  earlier

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if so, how long? is there still caning if its less than 90 days? she overstayed for around 35 days can you give me a rough estimate of how much the fine would be? please provide me with similar cases if you have and please reply soon, thank you very much.




  1. well my friend was supposed to be in jail for 3 to a year

    for stealing drugs. But after his fine was payed he had probatition.

    so most likely the same would happen for your friend

  2. No I don't think that she would be sent to jail.

  3. Unless she was specifically sentenced to jail, she will not have to go if she pays the fine before her court date.  The thing about the courts is that they want their money, and they know that they can make more money off of you if you are in the streets then if your locked up behind bars- costing them money because they have to feed, clothe, and house you.

    And btw, you never did provide us with what she was being charged with, so how are we supposed to estimate what she is going to owe?

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