
Hi im 13 and my girlfriend is 15 and she wants me to have her virginity wat should i do?

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and i said yes bcuz i really luv her and yes ill use protection.....and she said when the times right so it might be today and it might be next year




  1. bang her. you are so lucky

  2. Take kidding you should wait till your at least 17 or 18.

  3. if ur a virgin urself its not a gud idea, u will b her first and she will remember it 4ever and if ur bad.............  do u really want her 2 remember that. trust me my first time was bad and i will never let him 4get it. also ur way 2 yung and even if u use protection u cud still get her pregnant. b smart and wait, and dont let ne 1 pressure u

  4. no. that is so wrong. i dont think you are considering the future. god, 13 year olds having s*x? wth.

  5. Wouldn't it be a lot more fun to go back and play Rock Band or Grand Theft Auto than worrying about this kind of stuff?

  6. ok umm idk what the question is but go for it but shes a hoe for doing it that young

  7. Wait til you 2 are married then you'll know if you really love her or not  

  8. Well i do think that you are 2 young and it should be when you feel that you are ready and no pressure on you!!! You need to do what feels right in your heart and not physical feelings

  9. No, WOW shes kinda trashy! lol thats gross btw im 14

  10. woah. WAIT. UNTIL. YOU. ARE. OLDER.

    dont make a mistake that you will regret later.

    good luck♥

  11. be honest with yourself: the fact that you are asking on here tells us that you're not comfortable and you want other people to tell you to wait/abstain etc. You know the answer already, you're just looking for reassurance.

  12. bad idea.

    lose your virginity to somebody you actually love. i know you said you love her, but this is just puppy love.

    wait until your older, (17+), and then lose your virginity to somebody you truly love

  13. uh No both of you are too young...

    come on now, u probably wouldn't even know what to do.

  14. First you make sure she has protected herself (and you ) from pregnancy.  Condoms are not enough.  She is old enough to talk to her doctor or to planned parenthood about getting on some birth control.

    You are both too young to mess up your lives with an accident that could have easily been prevented.

  15. go for it you lucky bugger enjoy it

  16. do absolutely NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. have fun

  18. only when ur ready.

  19. you are stupid for saying yes

    yes you may love her now but

    shy may just use you for pleasure

    and you will regret it for years to come

  20. Wait until your 16 or 17 trust me.

  21. i think you should talk to her. ask her why she is doing this. if you a great bf make sure she is losing it because she wants to and not because she feels like she has too.

    make sure she is on birth control because condoms can rip or use spermicide to lower you risk of getting her pregnant.

    there is always a risk when having s*x of get pregnant rather its 0.0000000001% or 100%

    here a check list you should follow:

    1. are you doing this to prove some thing to some one or for you?

    you should only have s*x because you want to and not because you want to prove your love or be with the "in" crowd

    2. you know all the pros, cons, the good, the , bad, the ugly and everything in between about s*x and you except that they could happen to you? if you say yes they you ready on this part.

    3. are you 100% ready emotionally, physically, and mentally? do you know that it will hurt worse if you and the person break up after you had s*x then if you never did? if you say yes then you ready on this part

    4. do you know all the methods to protect yourself? and know there is no excuse from not using protection ( their are condom for any size p***s) and you know which one you plane to use.

    5 do you know you can have love with out s*x and have s*x without love

    6. people respect you more it you wait.

    7. educate you self first here: (check the teens area)

    and just to make sure

    I'm 18  female virgin and god d**n proud of it with a bf of 7 months

  22. First of all son, s*x makes babies.

    Next ALL birth control has a failure rate.

    Next once her virginity is gone, it doesn't matter how psychotic she becomes she will expect you to  love her no matter how badly she behaves and you will have to be with her all of your free time, so I hope you hate video games, going out with your friends and shooting hoops and stuff because that'ss about to end.If she thinks your slipping away she will make sure you get s*x and she gets pregnant in the process to keep you.

    Next if she gets pregnant, your really screwed, so is she and the baby you make.

    You have more to lose than to gain.

  23. Ok, I am a 13 year old girl and I DO NOT think you should. I hate to say this but you're probably a good looking guy and she just wants s*x from you.  

  24. OK I have never had s*x and I am proudly a virgin. I have heard many many stories and my parents have taught me well. You should say to her "I'm sorry but I don't think I am ready." You are so young do you really want to accept the possibility that you might become a father? You really don't have to listen to me and go with your feelings, whatever they might be. If you decide to have s*x with her, make sure you are protected. Condoms are not enough. Good luck with your decision.  

  25. first off u shouldn't date a 15 year old and even if u use protection u can still knock her up don't even risk it y would u want to be 13 and already a father

  26. Wait till you get married... Seriously... I've heard it's best when you have it with your newly-wed spouse the night after you get married. That's what  plan to do.

  27. haha you are the luckiest guy ever!!! but if ur not ready to have s*x don't do it. she will still love you, but if you do want to have s*x then u can make the time right, just make is rly special, and romantic,

    someone help;...

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