
Hi im 15 wanted to be a docter as a surgery guy. what educations would i need and what are the proceedures yrs

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like math english sicece give me everything to nkow thanks




  1. here it goes in order

    after high school theres university

    then do

    MBBS (bachelor of medicine and bachelor of science)


    MS (specialist of medicine)

    then ur a surgeon

    well thats common for all fields of medicine

    then if u wanna specialise even more then

    do MD ( doctor of medicine)

    thats all folk

  2. I wanted to be a doctor when I was 15. I'm now a junior at a large state university and I am applying for medical schools now. Here's the break down of education:

    4 years at a university (1 year general chemistry, 1 year organic chemistry, 1 year physics, 1 year calculus, 1 year english, 1 year biology required for med schools)

    4 years at med school (MD degree) the competition is fierce, about 1/3 of all applicants get accepted

    6 years general surgery residency post MD.

    Then you are ready to practice individually as a surgeon.

  3. you're much too young to be thinking about this

    i can almost guarantee you haven't really figured out what you want to do

    and this subject is a lot more complicated than it may seem

    enjoy your life for now ;p

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