
Hi im 15 years old and i still suck on a pacifier and i wont to stop it any body got any tips?

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Hi im 15 years old and i still suck on a pacifier and i wont to stop it any body got any tips?




  1. i sucked my thumb till i was like 9 and i know how hard it is to stop i found out that it is because i was always hungry when i was full sucking my thumb was nasty but when i wasn't i sucked it all the time. Doing thing like chewing gum and going to eat a snack when you feel like sucking it will help. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. ru serious??????????LOL

            if you are,I bit my fingernails for yrs.there is solution you can get that's called stop and grow.Its with fingernail polish.It's totally safe to put in you're mouth.Put this on you're pacy and I'll guarantee you'll break the habit real quick.

  3. well i was a pacifier freak wen i was little....KEYWORD LITTLE.

    i wud just throw them all away and take up the sport chewing gum......

  4. Hi there. I am actually 32 years old and I STILL suck on a pacifier. Like the last respondent, I also too have autism - high functioning Autism, which is one step below Asperger's.

    I used a baby bottle till I was 6 years old and the taste never left me, and when I was in high school, I wanted to get a bottle, but I actually got a pacifier because it was easier to hide due to it's size and also I did not need to clean it up as often (Bottles you need to wash often). My parents did eventually find out, but after a while, they got used to's now a part of me. I've taken it to college with me even....although not to my baccalaureate degree graduation ceremonies. I must have been the only kid to ever put a pacifier in his backpack when taking things from home to a college dorm apartment. I've tried to kick the habit many times, and I've "thrown them away" many times, only to find out I threw out my best friend.

    With my autism and my ADHD, I am nowhere near a "normal" 32 year old. Most of my friends and instructors that I have had in college have said that my emotional and social age is around 4 1/2 to 5 years old. I really can't help being this way, it's because of my moderate to high functioning Autism. I LOVE Teletubbies, Care Bears, and Barney too, among other things. I have only had 2 jobs in about 10 years, and none of them worked out. One was substitute teaching high school (which was a nightmare because I couldn't control the teens), and being a secretary.

    With my resume a empty hole with no jobs for 8 years, no one is going to hire me now. I can't get a job. I've seen felons like burglars given jobs as secretaries in community college, but me....heck no, no one hires me. I've just given up, basically. I think I'll move to Florida and go to Walt Disney World everyday. LOL. I get supplemental security income and it probably will be Social Security Disabliity (and I would get more) when my dad retires.

    I primarily use Mam pacifiers, and I've been a friend of the company for about 17 years, which is far longer than most consumers have them for, since most children quit pacifiers by age 4 at the latest, or 5. Although I've heard children up to age 9 with pacifiers. I have gotten free pacifiers from Mam Babyartikel in Austria as well as Sassy Baby products which distributes them here in the USA, and I'm not joking. The Ulti Mam size 3 seems to work the best for me, with the bigger nipple (18 months-3 years) but they are no longer being sold in the USA. I got mine from a friend who has Asperger's living in Finland. I have Nuks too and Playtex Binky ones, but the Nuks and Playtex ones are a little smaller.

    I used to carry pacifiers with me to class even at college. I would go and put one in my shirt pocket. It would comfort me knowing it was there if I really did need it. I didn't ever actually use it in class, but... I believe it is a sensory thing too just like the girl who posted before me who had Asperger's.

    Anyway thanks for the 2 points, and suck away happily!!

    Take care

    Preston (geowhizkid26) from central California

    PS - I have a BA degree in Geography, hence the name "Geowhizkid26"

  5. throw it away. just think do you really want to get made fun of if anyone found out. doesnt help if you are trying to date and the person finds out you still have a binky....

  6. ive still got a pacifier too.jk.just let go of it

  7. try that nicoret works great

  8. Wow that thing needs to go. Chuck it out. Demolish it. Out of sight, out of mind.

  9. Well I'm 30 and still suck my thumb.

  10. I wonder how your teeth look? lol.

  11. Your names jean here ....and you really need to get out more and NOT tell the world about your need to suck a dum dum !

  12. just dont advertise it         i use on too       and im 18         but i use it in privacy of my own home and dont tell people about it.

    i use it because i have sensory issues  (I have aspergers a form of high functioning autism )

    but if u really want to get rid of try sucking lolly pops instead  thats what i do when i get the need for my pacifier when im in public

  13. I bet that really "sucks". My 7 month old kicked the habit at  6 months.

  14. Grow up?

  15. Binky Anonymous!  Works wonders!

  16. Yeah... suck a crank instead.  Much more satisfying, for everyone involved.

  17. First of all, you're a weirdo.

    Just stop and don't make a big deal about it. It's easier than quitting smoking.

  18. hey! ^_^

    Ah... lots of really mean remarks down there....

    Anyway, like any habit (thumb sucking, nail biting, hair sucking, spitting, etc) the problem is that you were aloud to do this long enough for it to become habit. Best thing for you to do is just throw out all of your pacifiers. Remove them all completely, and you won't be able to go back to it.

    I could say you could wean yourself off by chewing gum or something, but let's not replace one bad habit with another.

    If this is a daytime issue, that should be all there is to it (carry around carrots or something to chew on if you need to.) It will be difficult, but not impossible.

    If this habit is something you have been doing to go to sleep, you have an entirely different problem. you might need to see a sleep pathologist, or you might just try the same technique I described for daytime. Best of luck, and don't let everyone's teasing get to you. They've all got something they'd not like other people to know about, at least you're asking for help. :) And there are people everywhere who smoke- a much more vulgar habit. If they'd all replace their cigarettes with pacifiers and binkies, I'd think it a step up from their current positions. :) Best of luck!

  19. yeah no offence u r a freak and if u r a boy that is even scarier!! just stop and chew gum or something.

  20. Firstly, I think that if your situation is real then the rest of the respondents are total jerks.  Like I said, if this is real then you need to first start by replacing the pacifier with an almost equally comforting object, then degrading from there and so on.  Good luck hun... but for this I have to imagine that your parents are mostly to blame for this addiction.

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