
Hi, im 17 and have about a 4in. p***s and a girth of about 3.25 and have a few question listed in the details

by  |  earlier

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Hi, im 17 and have about a 4in. p***s and a girth of about 3.25, but my bone scan shows im 15 and i had a high hemoglobin A1C, i have type 1, but the A1C is much, much lower now, i have public and under arm hair, also a little facial hair, my voice is deeper then it was and i was just concerned and wonder if my p***s is going to get bigger? My endocrinologist said i am a late bloomer and i have time to grow, but im not sure and it worries me, i am afraid to go to far with girls and I would except any information, any tips, help would be great thanks so much




  1. omg dude i feel for u u have  such a small p***s its not even funny im 13 and i have a 6 1/2 inch c**k i measured it myself and so did my gf u shoukd be really pssed at urparents an god fo giving u such a small pee pee i feel for udude if u have a nice bod like me its okay cause chicks wont care if u have abs and big biceps hey womt give a s***t cause they just want a hot bf peace dude ps ur d**k wont grow anymore i looked it up guys dicks domt grow anymore after theyre 17 sorry bud just saying my d**k is way bigger than urs and im five yeRs youmger also dont think im just hot cause ive got all A's and three ac classes im what ud call book and street smart peace 

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