
Hi im a english bricklayer wanting to live and work in austrailia, hopefully brisbane sunshine coast area?

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but before i consider migrating im going to go on a working holiday visa for about 6 months hopefully to sunshine cost in brisbane area. does anyone know of a place thier ware i can find lots of work and a cheap place to stay live or maybe you may know someone who would take on a lodger for a while.

thank you




  1. The Sunshine Coast is a great place to live .... dire for work.  Awful wages and becoming increasingly more expensive to live in.  Try finding local newspapers on the net in the areas you want to live in to see what jobs are around and what wages are being offered.  You might find going to Sydney or Brisbane are better bet.  You'll more than likely find work on the Sunny Coast, but don't expect to be living the high life!

  2. no no no, thank you!

  3. Hey there, I'm from Brisbane originally(Born and raised) know all regions well.

    The best place to work and live at present, would be the Gold Coast, south of Brisbane... Great place to live..I'm from there, but presently living in Texas.. USA. Check it out on the internet, you will be able to find construction jobs etc...

    Depending on your age? The Sunshine Coast is not as up-market as the Gold Coast......the Gold Coast is also easier to get around. Good Luck!

  4. I'll be honest with you, Australians hate tradesmen from the UK.  They tend to take too many breaks, talk too much, die in the heat and I think the Irish backpacker sorts also have a knack of working for like two days then quitting.

    Now I don't say that to be rude, I say it because it is true.

    I work for a builder in Perth.

    Heaps of work in Perth, it's clean, cheap and otherwise OK.

    Because there is so much work, they might be more prepared to give you a go.  Plus the Unions won't stand over you as much.

    Biggest builder is BGC and by that I mean that company owns like 4 smaller building companies and they have bags and bags of work.

  5. We want you pommy b******s here about as much as you want  stupid Aussie YOBBO's there....get the picture pal???


    im not sure about where you could stay for a cheap price, but there's information there about hotels that you could stay in until you find someone who would take on a lodger

  7. Check out the Trade Licence situation aswell, in case it applies to you.

  8. Keep in touch Stu Bear,

    I have a good friend in the building trade.   He works in Brisbane.   However, I don't know what the working climate is around here at present.   (Sunshine Coast).   My friend might know of somewhere you can stay, too.

    I'll try to add you to my contacts.   And meanwhile, over the next few days, ask some questions around here.

    My ex used to work in the trade too...  Not brickie...but he's always up the local with his finger on the pulse.

    I'll see what I can do.

  9. Hi mate, I reckon that anywhere in the  South east of QLD would be good for you there is always lots and lots of work its the fastest growing area in the southern Hemisphere!!! You'll probably get off the plane and have people rush at you asking if you wanna work for them!!!

  10. there is no chance you'll get a job over an aussie on the sunny coast mate

  11. I agree with missaussie the Gold coast would be better to move to because transport is easier to come across.

  12. There is usually plenty of work available in the brisbane area, pretty much all throughout the sunshine coast at the moment. For some reason the QLD government are constantly building infastructure, if you have any experience with a trade such a bricklaying, it shouldn't be too hard for you to find work anywhere in Brissie.

    Accomodation on the other hand may be a little more difficult. There is a massive population in brisbane and the sunshine coast, and it can hardly cope with the massive influx of people who move there every week from interstate. (Not that you're not welcome - we love tourists, its just that the plans to accomodate them weren't made early enough, hence the mass amount of infastructure required at the moment)

    There are plenty of people who would happily take in a pommy boarder, for rent, and there are many hotels, and motels etc in the bigger towns around the sunny coast. Although, if you're going for cheap accomodation you might have better luck looking in areas slightly west of Brisbane, and Sunshine coast, as there is slightly less demand out there a bit... therefore cheaper accomodation. =)

    Goodluck. =)

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