
Hi im doing my best to go green and im a vegitarian, should i eat meat?

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i saw this add last night saying that livestock were responsible for like 30 percent of greenhouse gas emmissions, so would i be greener if i were to start eating meat again? i dont like eating meat i think it is cruel but ive been told its healthier to eat meat and if it is helping to cut down greenhouse gas emissions then im thinking maybe i should.




  1. You're kind of backwards on that one.  Livestock causes greenhouse gas problems because of the way it is farmed commercially.  Gigantic feed lots where the cows eat and eat and f**t and f**t, more so than they would if they were grass fed on the range.  The corn that they are fed is grown with artificial fertilizers which are derived from natural gas. Everything; the fertilizer, the corn, the young cow, the meat, etc., is trucked all over everywhere, using more fuel.  It's not the cow (or chicken or pig, it's all pretty similar) that is the problem: it's the industry.  And the industry exists because people in developed countries eat too much d**n meat.  If you are gonna eat meat, at least eat local organic meat, which is as benign as it can get.  But really, being a vegetarian (again, eat as much local food as you can) is way greener than buying a hybrid or whatever.

  2. You're thinking that it's better to eat the cows so that they don't cuase the 30 percent? Well, it doesn't really work that way,

    By eating meat, you'll just be promoting the sales of meat, thus, more cows (and oather livesotck) will just be slaughtered more frequently.

    It's supply and demand. The more people demand it, the more they'll suplly it.

    So you're doing a GREAT job being vegetarian! Keep it up!THe animals thank you! :]

  3. By eating meat you'll only promote the meat industry which will cause more greenhouse gases.

    This is a really silly question.

    Thus the silly answer.

    Eat local meat, if possible. And organic and free range doesn't hurt, either.

  4. it is alright to eat anything! ! ! ! ! vegetables is good for your health but it lacks some nutrients which meat has plenty of. (like protein for example) the best thing to do is that you eat both so that you are doing some part in the environment and at the same time, you are taking care of your health.

    we can't really be 100 percent green. every effort that we make is good already.

  5. Yeah, it tastes good.

  6. look 4 sumthing as small as that i would say dnt worry about it. Greenhouse gas emissions are mainly caused by fossil fuels. And they are still going to make the same amount, and kill just as many cows ECT.............. Think of everyone in the world , thats like 90000000000000000000 people who eat meat, do you think 899999999999999999 willl change anything.

  7. I understang you are a vegetarian and you are environmentally concious, but there is nothing wrong with having a little meat on the side every now and then. Just eat a small portion. If you don't like it then you always have your carrots and lettuce.

    One thing the other are not aware of is that meat is really cheap right now because the farmers are being forced by the us gov't to use the majority of their land to grow corn for fuels.

  8. Actually, the fact that 30% of greenhouse gas emissions come from farming livestock makes it all the more important to be vegetarian. Its basic supply and demand - the less meat people eat, the less livestock will be raised and though it may seem that you are just a drop in the bucket, if enough people decide to do the environmentally responsible thing, it truly will help. Good luck!

  9. Eating meat will make that worse!! The less meat eaters out there, the less cattle that end up being bred for meat production, thereby lowing your carbon footprint.

  10. okay first off there is no real reason to eat meat other than it is easier than having to supplement your diet with essential nutrients so your cool on the vegetarian part, it is not my choice but do what you want.

    As far as going "green," goes this fad has been perpetuated by a lot of influential people but ultimately it is a lot more hype than science. The fact is that all the greenhouse gases we produce through factories, cars, livestock etc. comprise about .06 percent of the total being introduced into the atmosphere. The natural greenhouse gases (which are NOT what you think they are, did you know that water vapor is considered a greenhouse gas) are being expelled through volcanoes primarily and some are being released through glaciers that float towards the equator and melt. The earth naturally goes through heating and cooling cycles and as we are in the downtrend of an ice age the earth is going to get hotter regardless of our influence. That being said inside these heating and cooling periods (which take millions of years) there are times when the trend will reverse for a couple thousand years and we are in a cooling "mini trend," if you will. Scientifically speaking the ice caps are not actually melting in fact they are getting larger the reason that al gore says they are getting smaller is because there is a small part of the continent of Antarctica that has worked its way north and that part is melting as it moves into hotter regions but the main continent is actually growing in terms of ice coverage.

    Don't believe the hype, if you want to learn the truth I suggest you go to your local University and take a class in basic earth dynamics, any intelligent teacher will confirm the things I have said.

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