
Hi ima male 17 years old and i have a 4 inch p***s fully erect?

by  |  earlier

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sometimes when me and my girlfriend are intimate i cant get it up and she has laughed before and said maybe another time.. is there anything i can do to get it up during situations?my gf has also told me that she has never orgasmed and it doesnt feel very good she says its to small is there anyway i can increase my p***s size or a method i can use during s*x?




  1. try using viagra

    no, there is no way to make it bigger, unless you want surgery.

  2. um, im 13 and im 8 inches

    and im not just bein cocky

    i probably dont know but i think the only way is pills

  3. pump.

  4. tell your girlfriend to stop being such a bit*h  and maybe then you could get it up. unless your girlfriend is *very* experienced, she is just being rude

    im sure youre fine. .

  5. Well some people are unlucky with their p***s size. I wouldn't want to recommend natural male enhancement pills. I am 14,so you don't need to take advice from me. I can only think of the pills but I wouldn't prefer em.

  6. Sounds like you need a new girl to me,she can't be too nice to say something like time she laughs at you tell her it isn't about her that you had fun. And always keep this in your head: It isn't the size of the p***s that matters, It's the depth of the v****a. This being said tell her to stop sticking 24 inch d****s in her poon.

  7. ok dude shes talking **** it only takes 4inches to make all girls who aint had a baby have a orgy!!

    and dude **** her G-spot :P  

  8. Don't worry about your size.  It is normal and she needs to realize that, that is all you have and you are not going to change majority to please her.  Some women can't o****m without the help of a vibrator, this is not made up cause it is a fact.    

  9. Natural size of a person’s organ fulfill the biological and sexual need of human being as v****a adapts to the size of the p***s and p***s size itself has no bearing on female sexual satisfaction but psychological factor plays very vital role. There are many ebooks, pills and oil available for the enhancement of p***s you get the information on various websites. Address of one of the website is As per information gathered from various websites there are four different method for this .One is exercise (given in ebooks), 2nd is using extender which works on theory of breaking of cells, 3rd is using capsules/tablets and other herbal products and forth one is use of oil.

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