
Hi is brown spotting is a period or symptom of pregnancy?

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I got my last period on June 9th after 2 weeks I had some thread like brown spotting for 7-8 days. After that till now I didn’t get my period. I took one pregnancy test on 23rd of july (5 days before in the evening after 2 hrs of drinking coffee)it came negative. Please help.




  1. brown spotting can mean your period is finishing or beginning

  2. It certainly can be a sign of pregnancy for some - implantation perhaps. Check first thing in the morning when your HCG levels are at their most concentrated.

  3. Lol you are in the same boat as I am. I had my last period on june 12th and took a test on the 22nd. =P What cued me as far as taking a test was I was having slight brown blood discharge for three days which obviously isn't normal and I was starting to cramp a bit in my lower abdomen. The cramping was the big red flag for me and the fact that my appetite seemed like it went through the roof. The fact that you took the test after drinking coffe I think may have affected the test results. Drinking ALOT of water and when you are ready to use the restroom..wait for about an hour first and THEN use it. This gives your urine time to absorb HcG from the pregnancy when is how the test works is by calculating how much HcG you have. After an hour though if you use the restroom and it still comes negative then most likely you are not. But brown blood when you are suppose to be having an actual period isn't normal. Also if "thread" means light then I would assume upon my experience that you are. Good Luck!

  4. Take a test first thing in the AM - when your hormones are more concentrated.

  5. I would say it is a sympton of periods as i get it quite often when i am starting or even finishing mine. I have never been pregnant so i cant tell you if it is a symptom at all for that.

  6. my mom is a doctor, and she says that brown spotting is one of he sign of pregnancy. you should call your doctor, and immediately set an appointment. you should have used a condom.

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