Question: there any safe website for kids to ask questions?

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I beleive that its vital for kids(preschoolers,preteens) to use supervised internet as in near future, its going to as important as to know how to read and write.....but web is full of dangers too!




  1. its not about the website, its about wether or not the kids a dumb a## . if the kid runs aroung saying "i live here" or not putting there profile on private or talking to complte strangers there gonna get rapped . have a nice day :]



  4. kidzworld or something similar is great for kids

  5. Because the internet is open (for the most part), there will always be weird, dangerous, and disgusting people lurking to ruin the day. There are many kid-friendly sites, but those which have question-answer forums? O.o I doubt there are really any. Children should be engaging in conversation with their parents, other children and adults, until they can understand the awkward information the internet has to offer.


  7. ask kids is a good one but you also need to make sure you know what they are doing on the web

  8. Well, I do believe the internet is a great learning tool, I have been on it since I was in highschool (I am 29), but do supervise your kids.  

    If something can be made dirty, some one will find a way to do it.  Kids need to learn about dangers, and parents need to guide them and prepare them for the time the kids won't have mom and dad to run to.

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