
Hi is this something to worry about ??

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HI, i am 14 and ever since i have known every time i lift my arm up my shoulder (where it joins to my cola-bone ) clicks and when i put it down it clicks, i can feel it and it makes a noise just like when you crack your knuckles. It happens every time, and more so if i have a shower or do sport or when i move it alot. Sometimes it hurts at the end of the day, but i was wondering is it anything to be worried about or does anyone no why it does it ? Please it is staring to get annoying ? thanks :)




  1. i have this exact same thing, you can put your finger on it and feel it like pop out and pop back in right?

    yeah i dont think its a big deal, lots of people have it, its just a double-jointed collar-bone

    just dont do it too often

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