
Hi ive been skiing a few 5ft 2 about 126lbs?

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and am now looking to buy some skis but i have no idea on where to start can anyone help???ill need basic talk to as im not that technically minded....LOL Cheers




  1. Your ski set should be about to your chin, you are lite weight so it should be a soft or a medium flex pattern.  If you are a beginner or intermediate skier, try an all mountain ski that is designed for a woman.  Do not get a beginner ski, rather an intermediate to advanced ski. This will help teach you to ski better as you use it. Do keep the skiis well tuned, wax every 2-3 days of use, edges every 3-5 days. A full shop tune up at least 2 times a season if you ski 6-10 times a year. The skiis are important, but the boots are the most important part of your package.  The boots must fit you tight around the foot and ankle. They should be comfortable but very supportive of your foot.

  2. Assuming you live close to ski resorts there should be ski/snowboard stores.  Many of them may advertise as renting equipment, but most of them sell skis and snowboards as well.  Just find a local store and I'm sure an employee can help you.

  3. Sports Authority will help you

  4. Buy all mountain shaped skis. Soft to medium flex. Your ski length should be 155-160cm. Get intermediate-to-advanced skis. Do not buy beginner skis. You will outgrow them too fast. Do not buy racing, expert, or big mountain/big country skis. They require advanced techniques to master.

    If you are more than average strong or aggressive female athlete, unisex/men's skis thus are fine. You get more choices. If you are average or less, go with women's skis. They are lighter; more suitable for you.

    If you ski mainly West USA (CO, UT, WY, MT, Lake Tahoe, etc), wider all mountain skis help you float on powder better. You can go with what's called freeride skis designed for both groomed runs (70-80%) and powder/off groom (20-30%). East USA do not get powder much so freeride skis do not help much.

    Skis values depreciate really fast. You will see huge savings on 1-2 season old skis. Great condition 2-3 season old skis are often best buys. But you need someone's help to inspect the skis and look for defects. Do not buy old straight skis.

    This is very important: Demo as many different skis as you can before buying, especially if you plan to pay brand new ski price. Five pairs at least. Skis are personal items. How one moves, which muscles are used, agility, strength, energy level, balance, posture, etc. matter. What's good for her may not be good for you. You will not know what's good for you until you try several kinds on the field. Go to demo days, rent demo skis where you can try different skis in a day, try friends' skis, etc.

    And, this is even more important: The boots is the most important first gear. Perfect, most comfortable boots take more time and effort to find but you should not settle for anything less. Invest more on boots. I do not mind used skis but I have to think twice on used boots because they may not fit as well.

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