
Hi looking for a holliday to spain 2adults 2children 8and 4 looking for fun for the kids please help.?

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Hi looking for a holliday to spain 2adults 2children 8and 4 looking for fun for the kids please help.?




  1. Spain is wonderful - and there are so many many family friendly places!!

    Just a heads up on the amuesment park in Madrid - it is located in the Casa Campo and has a zoo and wonderful family things - even restaurants and a lake. Do be warned though that after dark (and sometimes even in day) it is littered with prostitutes. Little ones might not really notice - but they can be scantily dressed and this might bring up some questions. Just go with this in mind and be able to distract or answer questions if it comes up!! :) Once in the amuesment park you won't have to worry though.

    Sue's suggestions are great! Beaches are wonderful and any castle or museum should have plenty for the little ones. Madrid also has a cable car that runs over the city and would be lots of fun for little ones! The retiro park is beautifu and you can rent paddle boats.

    Do you know where you are going? Madrid, Barcelona, the south? the north? the coast - Spain varies a lot from region to region? If you can find this out and your trip coincides with a spanish festival that would be fantastic for the kids. Usually there is traditional dancing, music, great snacks, and kiddy rides.

    Staying in a Parador can also be amazing. They are nice hotels that are renovated castles, palaces, monestaries. It is a country wide chain and they are very exciting for kids to sleep in. You can talk about the history and let them know where they are sleeping. It can feel like quite an adventure!

    I'm partial to Northern Spain (a less touristy area) it has beautiful national parks and beaches. The farm lands are great and there is so much to do. Once thing I loved as a child was Las cuevas de candamo. Which are caves that you can enter and explore ancient history.

  2. There are amusement parks around Spain, and water parks on the coast.  

    The islands and beach countries are great for little ones.

    My 8 year old was absolutely thrilled with the castles...we went to the Alcázar in Segovia (great armor museum, which he LOVED), and visited a couple of others through the castle region near there.  The fortified city of Ávila was a highlight for him as well.  Royal Palace in Madrid was good for him, as well (more armor).  Also, any place with a city wall we could climb around on was good.  Churches, if you don't overdo it, are fun, and we did okay with the food.

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