
Hi me and my boyfriend are looking for an apartment but we have poor credit Where can we look and who can help

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Hi me and my boyfriend are looking for an apartment but we have poor credit Where can we look and who can help




  1. I've been a property manager for 15 years.... Here's what I would recommend.

    You have to look for houses where everyone else does... start with the local or metropolitain newspaper.  Find some listings that are within your price range.

    Be honest, they most likely will check your credit.  If you lie, you lose.  Many people renting have bad credit, they are renting because they can't get loans (or can't save up the down payment).  Be very prepared, be organized... you should treat this like a job interview.

    Get a copy of your credit reports... Show up to the house on time and dress nice.... even clean the car (I use that as a gauge of the quality of person applying).  Don't bring your kids... it's annoying, and if the manager doesn't like your parenting style... that could be an unconsious strike).

    Have a package of (copies for them to keep... if you like the house) of your credit reports, paystubs, and any other income.  Tell them you are working on cleaning up your credit and would like to buy a house in about 5 years (shows them you are trying to be responsible and you have a plan).  And that they can make money off you for the next 5 years.

    Ask if they have a discount for paying on time, ask if they can reduce your application fee since you brought in a credit report for them.  If the answer is No, don't make a big deal about it, politely say... I thought it was worth asking.

    Very important: Have your entire securtiy deposit available.... none of this, I pay can it in 4 payments.  How you pay your deposit is an indication of how you will pay your rent in the future.

    This info is garenteed to put you to the top of the list as the one that gets the house, so make sure you select a place that you really like.

    Good Luck

  2. You didn't say where you were from so I can't tell you where to look or who can help, but you probably won't be able to get into a nice apartment without good credit.  Will one of your parents be a guarantor on the lease for you?  If they will, and your incomes are high enough (your parents incomes can be included), you could probably get into whatever apartment complex you wanted.

    Where I live the income requirement was 3x market rent.

  3. How long do you need a place for.  You can find people like ourselves who are looking for immediate roommates able to pay a couple or More months of rent at o Nice in order to get out of a bind they are in   IE.  eviction coming or sub-lease a place needed. go to craigslist and post ads and also browse ads in area needed  that is working for us!

  4. Usually public/city housing does not require a credit check.

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