
Hi my bf suffers from severe ocd and is always having bad thoughts.what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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my bf is the love of my life and i know he loves me to we have been together for 2 years...we plan on getting married soon...but i really want him to get better...for the past 5 years he has been stressing about so many different things...and they drive him crazy...for the last 2 months he has really been freaking out...he always thinks he has done something wrong that he didnt even do because he is so afraid of losing me...he lately has been stressing about his day he started freaking out saying babe what if i start to like her again...i dont want to...and hes always trying to figure his bad thoughts out...he tells me sometimes he sits in his room and the thought just keeps going through his head like who would i rather be current gf or my ex...and he says the bad thought popps into his head like he wants to be with her...i find him just trapping himself in his room or bathroom just running these thoughts through his head and i often find him crying cuz he says he cant control it...he says it pisses him off cuz he doesnt want to lose me...everyone including doctors tell him its his OCD...but he still stresses...what do u it his Ocd or can it be true...i just cant c it being true cuz of how sad he gets...but what do u think...




  1. tough one. tell him to go to a shrink

  2. The best thing to do is to, first of treat it as if its OCD. (not with medication nessesarily) but reassure him, that its only thoughts and nothing has happened and nothing will happen.

    Tell him to trust his heart, rather than his head

    Ask him what would he do if it was you who was thinking this way, what would he say and how would be help you?

    Then apply thisto his situation.

    The best thing to do is to try and figure things out together logically, his judgement is impaired, him trying to figure it out alone will not help, because its his obsessions that are causing the issue in the first place

    The key issue with OCD is anxiety, so try to calm him down when he gets anxious. This can be done by changing the environment or talking aabout the situation causing the distress or talk about somthing different to take his mind off things

    I hope that this helps in any way

    Be Strong.

  3. my husband has ocd . He thinks about s*x, and prays  75-100 times a day. your bf probabily has underlying issues that he may not even know about, but needs to get out. a therapist or medication would help. He needs your support. remember that it's a disease and not his fault. remember that these thoughts are against his will, and since he is telling you these things that means alot. He trust you and wants to be with you. his ex may represent something else, like a close woman to him who died, or left him when he was young. He needs you to listen. never tell him to get over it, or just stop, or that you understand.

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