
Hi my boyfrinds family keep giving my 5 month old son stuff to l**k like uncooked pear, icecream and now t?

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talking about giving him chocolate next time they come ova they just come at him and dont even ask me if hes aloud it w.t.f its so anoying ahhhhhhh! ive told he both me and my hubby are not allowing for sweets and fizzy drink, and said he will only be aloud say chocolate buttens or icecream now and then wen he is older and she started arguing with us saying thats ridiculous 'you cant not give a child sweets' i mean hes five months old and shes talking about giving him chocolate, and the other fact is he gets a rash evertime he eats something, so im guessing he has a lot of allergies, im just waiting for a referall to an allergy specialist at the momment. so even more reason for people not to do this! please help wat can i say to these people who just dont listen, im also shy so i find it hard with confrontation so i normally tell my hubby to say something but of coarse he forgets, like things like people kissing my baby on the mouth i find disgustiong as he has had 3 colds already help




  1. You need to step up and speak's your baby, your rules....if they don't like them, too bad.  Put your foot down...and tell them, "don't give my baby those things..."I" am not ready for him to have that stuff yet."  They don't even need to know your bigger plans of monitoring the junk food intake.

    I didn't say anything but was worried to death when my sister in law let my baby gum some melon, well like I feared he got a piece off and choked on it.  I had to scoop his mouth several times and she just left, no where to be seen while the whole thing went down.  After that... I speak up every time someone does something I disagree with with my children.

  2. He's getting a rash every time he eats something because he is getting exposed to foods that his little system is just not ready for!!! They need to STOP feeding or giving tastes of anything to this child!!  They are setting up his poor system to fail when it comes to food.  You have to put your foot down on this one- tell them he is going to an allergist and maybe (little lie) they have specified NO additional new foods AT ALL at this time until the testing is complete.

  3. OMG, your baby is only 5 months old! There is no need for him to have any solid foods at all now, and once he is 6 months, THEN you as the mother will decide what he gets.

    The more foods you give him too young, the more likely he is to have allergies.

    If they won't respect your choices, then don't go to their house and don't invite them to your house. If they come uninvited and are not respecting you in your own house, then take the baby out for a walk or something until they are gone. The baby's father has to be willing to support you in this.... make sure he is on the same page.

    Chocolate is a TERRIBLE food to give an infant. Exposing a child to sweets, fatty foods, soda, junk foods etc is setting them up to be overweight and with health problems like diabetes and allergies. Do they have these kinds of health problems? I bet they do. Does your boyfriend? Is that what they want for the baby too?

    Be strong! You are the mother - you can't afford to be shy and let your child's health suffer. It is your job to decide what is best for him and to make it happen.

    Good luck!

  4. For the suspected allergies, he absolutely needs to be evaluated by a medical specialist (Allergist). Any undiagnosed food allergies, or otherwise, can have dire consequences!

    As for the rest, it is simple. Tell them until they listen, they don't get to play with the baby! It is sort of treating them like children, but they are acting like selfish little brats anyway. ;)

    Seriously, make it plain and simple: You do not feed my baby anything I do not first approve of!!!

    At five months, his only food should be breast milk or formula, which ever you are doing, and maybe some baby cereal. His digestive system isn't ready for the other stuff just yet.


  5. explain your frustration to your in laws and let them know that YOU are the parent and THEY are the grandparent and your word IS law. thsi is your child you need to take charge as a parent and tell the in laws what you allow and what you dont allow. PLUS how dare they give a baby anything that has dairy in it infants are not allowed dairy until 12 months of age so they are risking ALOT by giving him dairy products. babies stomcahs dont have the right enzymes to digest lactose and therefore could become lactose intolerant when introduced to it at such a young age (or so ive been told by my dr)

  6. I know how you feel. My inlaw's do the same thing, which it's ok now that there not as little.

    However at that age (5 months) you NEED to tell them to back off. Hold the child while you are with them. I once (not my proudest moment) had to scald a 70 year old lady (my grandmother inlaw) like a 2 year old because she just would not listen. It's your child don't let them forget that.

    Also if your child has a bad allergic reaction, who's going to be in the hospital with him? any of them?

  7. 1) Your spelling is dreadful

    2) You cannot wrap your kids in cotton wool. It is believed that exposing them to the 'normal' things like dirt, bugs, etc helps to strengthen them

    3) It is only by exposure to many things that a child can show what it likes and does not like.

    4) If you think your child is sensitive to certain foods, you can try them out yourself in a more controlled environment to find out.

    5) Chill out and stop being so up-tight - it is perfectly normal for people to want to give the baby treats. On the other hand you are quite within your rights to control this. Tell them what is allowed and not allowed. If they don't like it, or won't fit in, they can stay away - it's that simple.

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