
Hi my child is 12 and has been to a doctor. I am getting a secong opinion to morrow. About the chicken pox.?

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Hi my child is 12 and has been to a doctor. I am getting a secong opinion to morrow. About the chicken pox.?




  1. Chicken Pox are common and most people get them. I got it when I was 5 and it's a fairly memorable experience. It's a bit irritating (due to the itchy red/pink spots) but is gone in a week or two. Just make sure there's no itching because it can leave some nasty scars.

    Make sure it's not poison-oak which creates a more of a blurred (not spotted) rash and it generally only causes itching.

    Also, make sure your child is not allergic to any medication that he/she might be taking. I've had some experiences with that and thought I had poison-oak. I was really itchy, couldn't sleep, felt weak/nausea, and had hot flashes.

    Despite my post, I would still recommend going to the doctor for a second opinion. They'll know what it is.  

  2. What is your question?  Chicken pox is ok to have, if that's what you are wondering.  And getting it at 12 wouldn't be unheard of nowadays since we don't get it as young anymore because of that awful vaccine for it.

  3. Good for you and your child.  After the doctor, go learn English.

  4. You can only have chicken pox once!  I was reading your other questions.  Never 3 times.  Do the spots look like tiny blisters?  Ane when your child had them before, did the spots end up with scabs on them?

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