
Hi my grandpa just died a couple of hours ago.

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my grandpa died from prostate cancer that spread to the rest of his body a couple of hours ago and I am only 12. How can I get over it. I only met him like twice [stayed at their house for two weeks each time] and they live in Lebanon while I am in California. So I didn't know him that well, but he loved me and my brother SOOOOOO much. He would even make us songs. Is there anyway to get over it faster, without bottling my feelings up... PLEASE HELP....

thank you




  1. Write your feelings down.

    It worked for me

  2. Talk to your parents and cry it out. Don't do anything stupid (Emo wise)

    I went through the same problem last year but I go every year and a to only visit my Grandmother.

    It's hard but think of it this way - It's natural and everybodys time comes and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Just feel happy that you got to see him.

    Good luck.  

  3. Well you're not really bottling your feelings up if you're expressing them on here to thousands of people!

    I wouldn't expect to be over it within 2 hours. I think the easiest way to numb the grief is to get off your computer and spend some time with your family.  

  4. well, just cry for however long u want. because crying just makes u feel a little better. soo think og good memories. and if u dont keep a diary or journal just write down ur feelings on a page and u can keep doing that. ohh, and im REALLY sorry. i know how it feels.

  5. First off I am sorry for your loss. Each person has their own way of dealing with things and some people can get over stuff faster while it takes others a long time. Talk to your parents, your friends, your teachers and don't bottle up your feelings. Also maybe find a way to remember him, remember the good times, the times that made you smile.  

  6. dude just ask yourself whether he would like to see you cry,whether he would like to see you stressed....... i am sure the song he composed for you was at least to show his affection for you, if you have them recorded you might keep them for the memories but if dont still okey since you have mingled with him for like a whole month. So go ahead be strong Be a man.

    My sincerest condolences

  7. You just need to give it time, and I don't recommend bottling it up. It is okay to let your feelings show, this is a hard time for you and your family. I am sorry for you loss.

  8. With such a fresh wound, it's just plain normal to hurt for a while and you'll have to go through it, no matter what. However, instead of focusing on the physical loss of your dear grandpa, remember all the good moments you shared with him or had because of him. Wish him a good afterlife, because there is an afterlife, no matter your religious belief. Consider him now as an angel watching over you for the rest of your life. Remember, death is the physical leave of the soul from the flesh, not the end of life!

  9. Go have a good cry. You will get over this.

  10. You can mourn for about 1 to 2 hours and then cheer up. You can maybe lisen to jolly songs on the mp3 and maybe go out to play. Feel free and block the sad feelings and thoughts from entering you mind!!!


  11. Let it all out. Cry, scream, talk it over. It's tough but slowly, over time it won't be so painful. I've been through it twice and even though it feels like your life will bever be the same again, it will be. You're so young and all your life is ahead of you. God Bless.

  12. Sorry Sara,

    The only thing that helps is time.

    Time heals everything

    Be strong and all will be ok eventually.

  13. Just get on with life. But ive learnt it will stick with you forever

  14. pain will heal with time you have to let yor emotions out and cry.

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