
Hi my name is carol and im 10th grade i want to start a club at my school to hellp abused women any suggestion

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Hi my name is carol and im 10th grade i want to start a club at my school to hellp abused women any suggestion




  1. You and your friends are too young to be associating with the mentally disturbed, prostitutes and drug addicts.

    Before you ignore this, talk to some of the people running hostels, and see why this is best left to professionals.


    Shelagh.medic:  You cannot deny that there is normally opposition to the setting up of a 'women's shelter' in any residential community, and you cannot deny that the three things I mentioned here are prevalent among the people who enter such hostels, or any form of hostel.  All the women's shelters I have come across have these in plenty. They contain people with delinquent children, alcohol and personality problems.  It goes with the territory.  All the homeless hostels I know of are full of people with serious problems which are at the root of their homelessness.  People who wish to idealise those who suffer from, or are themselves 'social problems' should have no place in the social services, voluntary or paid.

  2. Are there any groups in your area already doing this? Ask your guidance counselor about it.

    A great way to help would be activities to raise money or supplies for groups that help abused women.

    When I was in college there was a small group of us who worked together to solicit food donations and clothes for a battered women's shelter.

    FYI We never went to the shelter or met any of the women. The location of the shelter was not publicized because of safety concerns. We gathered things up and someone would collect them.

  3. I would recommend sitting down and talking with those associations/organizations in your community which are already doing what you want to do-- helping abused women.

    Some of the best advice I have ever heard (and applicable to almost any situation) is: "Decide what you want to do, then go learn from those already doing it."  No need re-inventing the wheel.

    Once you find someone you "click with", ask them what they would recommend your group do to help.  Perhaps it will be fundraising, maybe they could use a spokesperson(s) in your age group, maybe it would be mentoring the children of abused women... who knows?

    Then, I'd organize my classmates around that idea.  It would be a way of pooling resources with the other already-existing group.  It would also be a way of targeting a need which exists in your local community.

    One thing to remember when helping others is to help them with what they NEED help with, not with what you WANT to help with.  First find out the real needs, then act.

    Good luck!

  4. i think that would be a pretty good club. a lot of people would like it. my suggestion is to start a partition with student and stuff and ask your princable to start it and she him or her the partition.

  5. I think this is an honorable decision and I wish you the best of luck! :)

  6. Your best bet is to try and begin a domestic violence prevention club that teaches not only girls but the boys too about what healthy relationships are and the best ways to ensure your relationships are healthy emotionally and physically. I am a victem of DV and went to a womens center and actually learned that a lot I thought was normal wasn't.

    Talk to your guidance councelor and school administrators about having assemblies and support groups about DV. It is a growing problem that I believe should start being prevented in teen years. Because some troubled relationships people have as teens can guide them to further troubled relationships throughout their adult years.

  7. you could fund raise for your local womans refuge... sausage sizzles car wash etc.

  8. I think you need to clarify a bit.  To some of the other answerers: Since when have abused women been mentaly disturbed, drug addicts or prostitutes and what has a town/city got to do with it?  Your question is a bit unclear and it seems some people assume women who are abused are somehow lesser beings than those who aren't.  I think you need to leave the care of victims of domestic violence to the profesionals but you could perhaps do some fund raising for your local Womens Aid if you are in the UK.  If you are talking about young women in your school who are sexualy or physicaly abused you would need to first do a lot of counselling training before you could help.  I am so sorry to be negative about what is a very worthy idea but you don't realise the difficulty of working with women who have been so badly scarred.

  9. Abused women? As in, women from the city. Or, abused females? as in, girls in the school who have been abused in one way or another.

    You need to find a teacher who is supportive of this club and is willing to open his/her classroom for uses during lunch after school whenever you hold your meetings.

    To start a club you need to run it by your school's ASB.. that's usually in the beginning of the year.

    If it's city women you're dealing with you need to run it by your school's admission... principal everything in between.

    If it's school girl's you're dealing with you need to be ready with tissues.

    You would need to go downtown to your local police station and get finger printed. (just in case kind of thing)

    Also, the problem with starting a club like this.. is that if you are in the know of an abuse victim who is currently being abused and their attacker hasn't been arrested yet..

    That means you are mandated (forced) to tell the authorities to ensure the safety of the victim.

    If the teacher/advisor of your club is around they are also mandated by the low to tell authorities to ensure the safety of the victime.

    I know you want to start a club that will make a difference, and it's amazing how a sophomore can think of something like this. However, it takes a lot of work, motivation, and dedication to do something like this. I should know, I was only a member of a group like that club you want to start.

    Good luck. Maybe next year.

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