
Hi my name is meer , actually i have a question , i got married with a wife who ws a american citizen .?

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she sponsored me from pakistan, when i came here he didnt like me cuz she already involve with somebody else so we were divorced in 2006, i came here on K3 visa which is going to be finished next year in june. i just wanna ask you what if i apply for assalyum immigrant, or i should move for another nature of case because she didnt let me get the green card.




  1. if you divorced before the application was finished or if you had the conditional green card and got divorced before the 2 years you are now illegally here and deportable.Asylum is not that easy to get or prove that you need it.You will need to go back to your country of origin and apply for a visa your self.Your visa is invalid now because of the divorce if you were on a conditional green card so it doesnt expire next year, it is already expired by default.

  2. You are already staying illegally there. Go back to Pakistan immediately. If you are caught, (Or if you apply asylum) you will be deported.

  3. The K3 visa itself may be valid for another year, but if you're now divorced, it's no longer valid anyway. Plus, I imagine she informed immigration that you're no longer her husband. While you can apply for asylum, you'd have to have a pretty good story to get accepted, especially since you've been here for several years now without applying, and if you were turned down, they would then send you to the immigration judge who would order you deported if you were turned down again.

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