
Hi my question is this, is it really worth great Britain being in the EU are we really a family of country's

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Hi my question is this, is it really worth great Britain being in the EU are we really a family of country's




  1. Are you asking this because of the eurovision song contest? are you seriously asking should we leave the European union and all the benefits both monetary and politically plus the extended market that main land europe gives us all because we came joint last in some stupid song contest?

  2. Trade not Surrender, if we continue to be sucked into the Evil Empire then we will lose too much, Our Sovereignty, our independence, our right to govern ourselves and the most important one the right to defend ourselves,

    No, my friend, these freedoms are not for sale, We have all ready sent that message to GORDEN BROWNSKI and his sell-out LABOUR Traitorites,

    Never berfore has Britain faced such a deceitful enemy as the one that we have within, those who would sell us out for a seat at the corrupt, European kings table and never before has the time been so critical, for all true Britons to unite and reject this sell-out to Europe that we have fought, for over 500 years, to be independent from.

    Trade not surrender.


    How many of our laws are now being passed in Brussels?

    That doesn't sound like a partnership to me.

    Yes this csell-out government has retained the rights to set the interest rate for britain and it has also retained the right to  set the taxation here as well which means that we will still be paying the highest tax in Europe.

    No to hand over our freedom to the Corrupt European parliament would be like handing Britain over to Hitlers n***s in the second world war.

    EDIT Bruv..

    The only power that the labour  party has retained in Britain is the power to milk the life out of Britain and Her people for their foreign masters.

  3. So you leave the EU and then what, keep following the U.S. into disasters like a loyal puppy dog?

  4. i have never trusted the member states since they betrayed us during the Falklands war. its my opinion that they are a n**i style federation that is completely fascist! unaccountable, unelected!! and there for undemocratic. and they will tear Britain to pieces. if you want a good example of democracy under the EU, be aware that the the EU stated openly!! that if the Irish people voted against the treaty, they would ignore their vote. (if that doesn't sound off all of your  alarm bells, then nothing ever will)

  5. this country has been draind by not only europe as in 1939-45 but now we are still being drained even worse  we must somehow come out of the eu before wer'e swallowed whol.e and end up with the french army in our country as well as the mus'''s taking over too some little **** is sitting in an office in belgium thinking how can i **** ze english and put up ze prices for their food  even though the eu should keep prices down thats what i thought the eu was about free and cheap trade not high prices

  6. My wife is a London Refuge and she states plainly that the EU is the primary reason she left and will never return. I personally feel very badly for those in GB.

  7. I don't see why everybody is so appalled at the idea of us being a member state of the EU.  Is not the United States (of America) a prosperous union?  Neither do I understand all this gibbering about us losing 'sovereignty'.  What effect is this going to have to the man on the street? Answer: none.  Also, England retains all power to set interest rates, most aspects of criminal law, most military matters etc etc, but we DO gain the benefit of having close european partners.  I think we just want something to complain about, those 'bloody foreigners' etc.  

    Look at the advantages of EU membership, billions of pounds of investment from Europe, longest period of peace in centuries, the freedom to move all around Europe as we please.

    Also, if we choose to leave the EU (which technically we couldn't anyway even if we were dumb enough to) Britain would economically collapse.  Contrary to what somebody said, we are NOT strong enough to 'stand on our own two feet', we are a small Island nation, heavily dependent on close economic links with Europe even Heath knew that when we joined.


    Yes a lot of laws are passed from Brussels but: Britain passesd a law (European Communities Act) allowing this to happen. Also laws are passed by the Euopean Parliament.  Britain (when we can be bothered to vote) elects MEPs to the European Parliament.  So these law ARE passed in partnership with us.  Ineed, Britain sends among the largest numbers of MEPs to Parliament (figures freely available somewhere).

    I don't understand your point on Britain retaining taxation, are you conceding that we retain that power?  You seem to suggest that because we retain our own tax provisions, that is why we pay 'the highest tax in Europe'.  But what has that got to do with Europe? That is a question for the English Parliament, if you don't like it vote Tory (or some othe party).  Or would you prefer Europe was entitled to change our tax burden?  

    Also, we do not pay the highest tax in Europe see the economy section on this webpage:

    I also like this idea about 'handing freedom to Hitler' - I do not understand this at all.  You feel greater integration into Europe is actually going to THREATEN our security and stability?

  8. Hi,i have never agreed with us being in the EU.We were doing perfectly alright on our own.

  9. No, we are moving closer and closer to just becoming a European State. Labour has done everything it can to try and eradicate any residual national identity, whilst handing more and more power to the EU. The resurrected Lisbon Treaty gives the EU the right to make decisions about immigration to England, and asylum seekers. We can be sure any decisions the EU would make will not be in the best interests of England or the indigenous population.

  10. I'm from the USA, but my outsider's view of the EU tells me that:

    1 - Great Britain had only marginal gains from joining the EU.

    2 - Europe is not a family of countries.  The only things they share are slightly similar religious views (different sects of Christianity) and they all happen to be on the same continent.  Other than those two things, there's not much in common with the various countries at all.

    I would wager that Great Britain removes itself from the EU within the next 10 years.  Especially as more and more smaller countries gain acceptance into the block (thereby putting greater demands on the more prosperous countries and original members of the EU) and as long as France keeps bullying for leadership position (while at the same time pushing radical social agendas and refusing to pull its own weight in the EU community).

  11. no we should get out now! We have enough money and power to stand on our own two feet! The EU makes out country worse! If we went independent alot less immigrants would be able to enter plus we would stand on our own laws and not EU laws! WE DONT DONT NEED THE EU!! Good question!

  12. No, never was, never will be. It's also a pleasure to be able to co-report, with one exception to date, with such sensible people.

  13. Britain in my books no matter how we think is still divided from Europe....How can we ever be trusting of Germany and France....They have both been our war adversaries in the past and will always do us down....The EU ask too much of Britain and we dont get much in return....No lets pull out of the EU and side with America for trade...They are our cousins after all...

  14. The sooner we are out the better!It is only politically out of step cretins like Gordon Brown who keep us in!

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