
Hi my son is 2 1/2 and in a high back booster seat but the harness straps are not long enough can i get longer

by  |  earlier

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ones or extenders as he cant wear it with a normal seat belt?




  1. just go to the store u buy the seat from and ask for a longer one

  2. I would not recommend any type of extension just for safety reasons but i would look closely at the seat belt and make sure that you have it correctly in place, I have never seen a seat belt that would not fit.

  3. What kind of seat is it?  At 2 years old he definitely needs to be in a 5 point harness.  He also needs to be in a sweatshirt or thin fleece jacket.  You can't use a puffy coat or thick layers in a carseat or seatbelt.  It can compress in an accident and the person can be ejected.

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