
Hi people, I have a china doll that is drooping.?

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The leaf veins are flatted out and the plant is drooping. The fresh new growth has blackish tips. The plant has no insects. is it overwatered underwatered, what should I do to save it?




  1. I'd say you're probably overwatering your plant.

    Signs of over watering include: wilting, discoloration of leaves,mushy stems and mold growth on the soil.

    When a plant is overwatered the roots are unable to breathe, and eventually rot. Once root rot begins the plant will start to die, but if it’s caught early enough, it can be saved.

    The first thing to do if you think a plant has been over watered is to get it out of its pot. Chances are the soil will be very wet. If the roots still look healthy, wrap the root ball in a thick layer of paper towels and let it sit. When the towels become saturated, replace with a dry layer. Once the second layer becomes wet you can remove it and put the plant back in its pot. Don’t water it until the top inch or so of soil is completely dry. If the roots look brown and/or mushy when the plant is taken out of its pot, it will need a little surgery. Start by rinsing all of the soil off the roots and lightly pat dry, then take a sharp knife or pair of scissors and carefully cut away any roots that are brown or mushy. (Healthy roots are usually firm and white in color). When complete, repot in fresh soil and water just enough to moisten the soil. Don’t soak it. If a large portion of roots were cut away, prune back the foliage an inch or two to compensate.

    To prevent over watering, get to know the needs of each individual plant. For example China Doll plants need moist but well drained soil.  Water when the soil on the top of the pot is dry to the touch (every week or every other week).

    Try a moisture meter. These devices are available at most nurseries, garden centers and home improvement stores and run between $5 and $7. Simply insert into the soil and read the dial, which usually reads from 1-10. 1 is bone dry and 10 is saturated. Many of them even come with a list of plants on the back and the ideal moisture level for each.

    Soil moisture can also be tested by using a pencil. Insert it into the soil and remove. If the pencil is damp, the plant is adequately watered.


    overwatering, as stated on the website.... ... let it dry out....almost to the point of wilting.... then water to soak the whole pot and let it drain well.... then only water after feeling the soil and finding it dry an inch down....

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