
Hi please help me about school

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im very scared about highschool the people in it are very mean. im going into 10th grade and im very worried because i used to eat lunch alone since i used to get picked on but now i dont get picked on anymore ( thank GOD ) and i have a lot of friends but none of them are in my classes ( lucky me im in classes with mean people yayy ) but i can handle that i just hate to be alone at lunch time. if i eat lunch alone in the lunch period people give u a dirty look. so i go in the libray but the libray is closed a lot of the times so i usally end up walking around the school until lunch period is over. how can i stop stressing over it and suck it up? lol what would you do? how can i stop worrying and crying about it? what should i do? d**n it school sucks. i talked to my guidence counsler and she didnt even help at all! im trying to make new friends but its 2 hard. :[

so please help. thank you all




  1. I'm sure at least a few of the people there aren't mean. Otherwise, you're better off not mingling with them anyway.

    I'd say approach someone else who's sitting down/walking around by herself (say 'isn't it more fun eating with friends?' or 'I'm getting bored sitting there all by myself. Mind if I tag along?') and don't worry, it isn't hard to tell if you're welcome or not. Either that or take a book or a sketchbook and read/draw while waiting for your next class. That would divert you from worrying too much about people's stares, and it would give them the impression that you're doing fine on your own. If neither of that is your style, ask your friends for ideas. Maybe one of them is having a similar problem and can alter her schedule.

    Oh and if someone ever picks on you again, ask them if they want a hug because at least you're not so insecure that you need to ruin another person's day to build up self esteem.

    As dull as school is, you'll remember it a few years from now and probably laugh that it's finally over.

  2. ugh thats tough I know how you feel Ive been through some similar things. Really if you can't find anyone who you can connect or talk with during lunch for now keep yourself busy I used to sit with friends at lunch during school but I always did homework during it and dident care to talk. I was a huge slacker but still keep yourself busy during lunch. I know you're used to your classes but if you want to sit with people and be in classes with your friends you should really consider changing classes. It's good to let your feeling out about this though don't hold them in. There has to be one person who isent completely mean in your lunch period try just sitting there sometimes and maybe you'll strike up a conversation and make some new friends.

  3. Usually, there will be at least ONE person you can sit next to that you may not be close friends with, but you feel comfortable sitting next to. They won't think you're crazy for coming over; in fact, chances are, they're probably nervous about finding a person to sit with, as well.

    If that's not an option, have one of your parents call the school and explain the situation. Your school should have no problem switching your schedule slightly so that you have a lunch period with friends. If they don't, keep pushing, and explain your reasons for wanting this. Let them know you were bullied in the past; schools are obligated to help kids who have been bullied and if they don't switch your schedule they will come out looking VERY bad.  

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