
Hi! pls give tips. what to do when your down? in life's up and downs?

by  |  earlier

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what is the best thing to do? here's a situation.. in our human life. there is always the side being up and there is the side of being down. so when your up, your there making the deal, enjoying life, looking for more opputunities etc. well thats the upside of life.. but then again we to have to aknowledge that these things are impermanent, they can always dissolve into failure.. so nobodies perfect what the best thing to do? is it to advance and prepare for the fall, or we should make a safety foam to catch us when we fall? pls answer me,....whats the best thing to do.

what comes up must go down




  1. You're correct in your assumption...

    Well, in my opinion, the best thing to do is to prepare for the future... But not overdoing it, by forgetting the present..

    Enjoy while you can, if you're in the upside.

    Prepare for the downside by shielding yourself... I'm an optimistic person, but there are times I sound pessimistic.

    Example - a very important exam comes up. I prepare by studying and getting physically ready so my mind will be alert for that exam. But I also shield myself from disappointment by expecting the worst to come. So when the best comes, I'm overly static...

    Sometimes the downsides are unpredictable. But mostly those are predictable. Prepare for the predictable ones and look for guidance in the sudden unpredictable ones..

    I hope i have somehow enlightened you, but if I wasn't of help, I'm sorry....

  2. well the one way of facing ur situation is to face wat ever comes in ur is gods way of testing ur resistence of ur my dear friend bee cool and face watever comes in ur way..things are happening let them happen.......all the best

  3. Please go get, "The Secret" you can purchase it on the internet. Then we'll talk. Good Luck to you.

  4. Remember that even though the highs are temporary, and nobody can stay on top forever, that the lows are temporary as well. As my dad always says, "This too shall pass" meaning that the bad times, while they may be miserable, won't last forever as long as you just don't give up. Keep working, keep striving to MAKE things better, and sooner or later, in spite of set-backs, success can return. Nobody is necessarily a permanent "loser", no matter how much bad luck you have.

    What goes down can come back up...

    with a little effort.

    While you are up, of course, you should make some preparations, the way people prepare for retirement. Movie stars buy real estate while they are still hot, basketball stars invest their millions against the inevitable tendon injury.

    But if you spend all your time planning for the fall, it can turn into a self-fullfilling prophecy, meaning you might cause it by preparing too much for it.

    Be prudent, set some aside for a rainy day, but enjoy some of it while you got it.

  5. Jack Daniels when you down, Hennessy when your up...

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