
Hi=] pre-planning tank and need stocking/compatibility help please??

by  |  earlier

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ok so im pre-planning a tank and i want a 25 to 30 gallon bow-front tank.... heres what i want:

-7 Penguin Tetras (i MAY have to settle for black neons, if so i will probably get a few more since they ae a tad smaller)

-4 dwarf wag platys

-and i would also like to have 2 black molly's

-MAYBE ill have 2 or 3 red wag platy's, just to tie the redish orange and black together=]

my question is that since mollys need salt to be healthy, do the other fish tolerate salt? i mean, like if so how much do i put in the tank for htem all to be happy, if it can even be done? is this a good list? so yeah, help apreciaed nd TY in advanced!! =]




  1. No, the tetras will not tolerate the salt, nor will the platys, so perhaps save the mollies for another tank. Otherwise, your list is fine if your water parameters are in the low 7's for ph and moderately soft to moderately hard.


  2. If this is helpful to you...I have a 60 gallon, community I always use salt. I have a Pleco, Cherry Barbs, Neon Tetras, and Corys...and they all seem fine with the water conditions. (I use 1/2 tsp for every gallon.) I was told that most fish will tolerate some salt in the water...(and it can be good for them) but that it is the "old school" method of keeping a tank. If I were you, I would go to a reputable fish store...and talk to someone who genuinely cares about fish. I have found the most valuable information from people like them! (aka. NOT PetSmart!)

  3. Nope. Wont work. The salt is good for the mollies but not the other fish. Use ONLY the salt you buy in the pet store. It will give you the dosage. I think it's one tablespoon per gallon. You'd better consult your local pet store for the info. Epically if your a beginner.

  4. well dave is wrong the tetras and platys will tolerate some salt add 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons and everything will be fine

    and to correct dave some more the truth is platys and swords are also normaly a brachish water fish but over time in the hobbie have gotten to where the handle freshwater fine so do mollies it depends more on the number of generations apart from the wild and salt is used in lots of tanks as a preventive med in tanks without plants

    so go with your plan you will be fine  

  5. I second dave...

    Mollies are brackish water fishes....

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