ok so im pre-planning a tank and i want a 25 to 30 gallon bow-front tank.... heres what i want:
-7 Penguin Tetras (i MAY have to settle for black neons, if so i will probably get a few more since they ae a tad smaller)
-4 dwarf wag platys
-and i would also like to have 2 black molly's
-MAYBE ill have 2 or 3 red wag platy's, just to tie the redish orange and black together=]
my question is that since mollys need salt to be healthy, do the other fish tolerate salt? i mean, like if so how much do i put in the tank for htem all to be happy, if it can even be done? is this a good list? so yeah, help apreciaed nd TY in advanced!! =]